B100 |
Cleaning up by Julian Wills |
B101 |
e.Volution by Bev Bruce, Mike Cross,
Timmie Duncan, Clive Hoey and Mathew Wills Yr of Prestoungrange |
B102 |
e-Postcards from the Other Side by Gordon
Prestoungrange |
B103 |
Business School Graffiti by Gordon Wills |
B104 |
Safe Haven by Annemarie Allan |
B105 |
Creating Wealth Through Management Development
by Gordon Wills |
B106 |
Back and Forth by Gordon Prestoungrange |
B107 |
Navigators Can by George Korey |
B108 |
Sodexho University by Harry
Lenderman |
B109 |
Barons Courts of Prestoungrange
& of Dolphinstoun - Trinity Session
Elizabeth II.53.2004 Proceedings July 14th - 27th 2004 |
L201 |
Tales of the Pans Prestonpans Local History
Society |
L202 |
The Pans Remembered East Lothian District
Council Library |
L203 |
Prestonpans and Vicinity by Peter McNeill |
L204 |
The British Gothenburg Experiments by
Joseph Rowntree and Arthur Sherwell |
L205 |
The Dean Tavern - A Gothenburg Experiment
by Alastair Anderson |
L206 |
The Manor of Milton and the Scottish Baronies
by Gordon Prestoungrange |
L207 |
Domesday Entries: Manor of Milton Malsor
and Victorian County History of Northamptonshire |
L208 |
The Story of Milton Malzor by Rev B E
Evans |
L209 |
The Tom Tait Story |
L210 |
Prestoungrange Church - 1595-1995 |
L211 |
Historical Survey of Prestonpans
by Jeanette Buriss |
L212 |
Fowler's Brewers' Manual |
L213 |
Cockenzie Power Station Mural |
L214 |
Witch! by Roy Pugh |
L215 |
The Cauldron by Roy Pugh |
L216 |
Prestonpans Porcelain by Graeme Cruickshank |
L217 |
The Registered Designs of Belfield's Pottery, Prestonpans by Graeme Cruickshank |
L218 |
Prestonpans Pottery by Graeme Cruickshank |
L219 |
A Backward Glance by Sharon Dabell |
L220 |
Rebellious Scots to Crush by Arran Johnston |
L221 |
Off the Wall Art in Prestonpans by John Lindsay, Roy Pugh, Andrew Dallmeyer and Ian Nimmo |
L222 |
The Rose and the Thorn Tree by Roy Pugh |
L223 |
The Devil's Craft by Roy Pugh |
L224 |
A Baron's Tale by Gordon Prestoungrange |
L225 |
The Picture of a Scottish Baron Court - a Dramatic Poem by Patrick Anderson
L226 |
Valour does not wait by Arran Johnston |
E301 |
Scottish Pottery by J Arnold Flemming |
E302 |
Waverley by Sir Walter Scott |
E303 |
Sir Walter Scott's Journal (1837 / 1890 /
1972) |
E304 |
Official Battle Archives interpreted
by Tomasson & Buist (1962) |
E305 |
The Thorntree by Hugh Hannah |
E306 |
The Robes of the Feudal Baronage of Scotland,
1944-45 by Thomas Innes |
E307 |
Book of the Lodge of Aitchison's
Haven 1598-1764 |
E308 |
Some Remarkable Passages in the Life
of Hon. Col. James Gardiner
by P. Doddridge, D.D |
E309 |
Salt Pans by Alex Hamilton |
Prestoungrange Historical Series |
R1 |
Prestongrange House by Sonia Barker |
R2 |
Morrison's Haven by Julie Aitken |
R3 |
Sourcing Brickmaking Salting and Chemicals at Prestongrange
by David Anderson |
R4 |
Industrial Ownership and Relations at Prestongrange
by Allan Burnett |
R5 |
Horses Steam and Electrical Engines at Prestongrange
by Annemarie Allan |
R6 |
Health Hazards over the Centuries at Prestoungrange
by Kirsty Black |
R7 |
Model Housing for Prestongrange Miners
by Annie Lyall |
R8 |
Water at Prestongrange and Pumping it out
by Ewan Wilson |
R9 |
Decorative Pottery at Prestoungrange by
Jane Bonar |
R10 |
Geology of Prestongrange and its Environmental
Impact by Matthew Carter & Julian Wills |
R11 |
Agricultural Improvement at Dolphinstoun
by Chris Allan |
R12 |
Fowler's Brewery - Famous since the '45
by David Anderson |
R13 |
The Prestoungrange Gothenburg by Gordon
Prestoungrange |
R14 |
Battle of Prestonpans by Michael of Albany |
R15 |
Steaming up at Prestoungrange by Colin
Boyd |
R16 |
The Story Glenkinchie since 1723 by Craig
Ward |
R17 |
The Painted Prestoungrange Ceiling 1581
by Annemarie Allan |
R18 |
A Pride of Panners by Bob Hopkins |
R19 |
The Roads that led by Prestoungrange by
Andrew Ralton |
R20 |
Poverty, Self-help and an Emerging Social Life in
Prestonpans by Sonia Baker |
R21 |
81 Witches of Prestonpans - Pardoned They Are
by Annemarie Allan |
R23 |
The Prestoungrange Totems 2006 by Gordon
Prestoungrange |
R24 |
Victory at Prestonpans by Dr Christopher Duffy |
For information and links for these titles please scan down
the page here for the reference number(s) you require.
B100: Cleaning
Up by Dr Julian Wills, Baron of Dolphinstoun (1999)
ISBN 0 86176 648 2 |
Reports research into the dynamics
of land remediation after industrial pollution and the evolution
of remedial techniques. (250 pp) ?0/$US35 plus postage and
packing ?.50/$US4. |
B101: e.volution
by Bev Bruce, Mike Cross, Timmie Duncan, Clive Hoey and Mathew
Wills Yr of Prestoungrange (2000) ISBN 0 86176 652 0 |
Describes anticipatory action
learning that enabled a traditional academic publisher to
metamorphose for the Internet (346 pp) ?0/$US35 plus postage
and packing ?.50/$US4. |
e.volution is also
available in PDF: |
B102: e-Postcards
from the other side by Dr Gordon Prestoungrange, Baron
of Prestoungrange (2000) ISBN 0 86176 654 7 |
Forty contemporary anthropological
insights into traditional academic culture at the dawn of
the Internet age for education (100 pp) ?8/$US30 plus postage
and packing ?.50/$US4. |
e-Postcards from the other
side is also available in PDF |
1 (Foreword, Contents, e-cards 1-10)
2 (e-cards 11-18) Part
3 (e-cards 19-30) Part
4 (e-cards 31-40) |
Business School Graffiti
By Gordon Wills |
The first of three autobiographical
volumes describing the Business School movement in Britain
to 1976. |
Business School Graffiti
is available on-line: |
1- 7, Pages
8 - 33, Pages
34 - 59, Pages
60 - 84, Pages
85 - 109, Pages
110 - 135 |
B104: Safe
by Annemarie Allen Safe Haven
is available in PDF Front
Cover Contents |
A tale of two local children's
kindness at the outbreak of World War II (40pp) ?/$US 4 plus
postage and packing ?/$US2 |
B105: The Wills Report - Creating
Wealth through Management Development, by Gordon Wills |
The second of the autobiographical
volumes describing the challenges of British management education
1977-1988. |
The Wills Report - Creating Wealth through
Management Development is available on-line: |
0-27, Pages
28-49, Pages
50-74, Pages
75-83, Pages
84-106, Pages
107-108 |
B106: Back & Forth
by Gordon Prestoungrange
Book |
The third volume of autobiographical
reminisence concluding in 2002. |
B107: Navigators Can
by George Korey |
Dr George Korey was founder in
Toronto of The Canadian School of Management and its President
from 1976 - 1998 when Prestoungrnage took on that role. This
is his memoirs beginning with World War II in Poland.
?0/€30/$US30 plus postage and packing |
Navigators Can is available on-line |
1-10, Pages
11-20, Pages
21-39, Pages
40-100, Pages
Pages 171-172, Pages
173-192 |
B108: Sodexho University
by Harry Lenderman |
Fascineting testimonies of the
action learning of management at Sodexho Corporate University
in the USA.
Prices are $US20/ € 20/ £15 plus pp at $/€/2
and £1.50 |
Sodexho University is available
on-line |
Sodexho & Contents Pages
1-31, Pages
32-61, Pages
62-90, Pages
91-120, Pages
153-181, Pages
182-201 |
B109: Barons Courts of Prestoungrange & of
Dolphinstoun -
Trinity Session
Elizabeth II.53.2004
July 14th - 27th 2004 |
Copies of the Proceedings of Scotland¡¯s
last Baronial Courts ever in Session are published at £20
+ postage
Available from the Clerk to the Barons Courts
227 High Street, Prestonpans, Scotland EH32 9BE
Ph. +44 [0]1875 819922
Barons Courts of Prestoungrange
& of Dolphinstoun -
Trinity Session
Elizabeth II.53.2004
November 16th 2004 |
Tales of the Pans
Published by Prestonpans Local History Society 2000
(reprinted 2002) |
A collection of memories from panners
about Prestonpans (87 pp) ?0/$US15 plus postage and packing
?.50/$US4. |
Tales of the Pans is
available on-line |
Introduction Contents
The Pans Remembered
Published by East Lothian District Library 1986 The
Pans Remembered
is available on-line Index Page |
The original collection of memories
from Panners. |
Prestonpans and Vicinity
Historical Ecclesiastical and Traditional By Peter McNeill,
The Pans Remembered
is available on-line Index
Page |
The classic work detailing the
history of the area. |
The British Gothenburg Experiments
by Joseph Rowntree & Aurther Sherwell
It is available on-line Index
Page |
A critical analysis of The Gothenburg
movement that questions how socially inspired they really
were. |
The Dean Tavern -
A Gothenburg Experiment
by Alastair Anderson
It is available on-line Index
Page |
Perhaps the first example of the
institution a Gothenburg pub can make to its community over
a century. |
L206: The
Manor of Milton and the Scottish Baronies of Prestoungrange
and Dolphinstoun
by Gordon Prestoungrange (2000) |
The story of Milton Manor since
the Domesday Book and the restoration of the Manor House,
together with details of the Scottish Baronies (44pp) ?.50/$US6
plus postage and packing ?/$US2 |
L207: Manor of Milton Malsor in Domesday
Domesday Entry in Latin and Translation as shown below. Copies
of both are held at The Manor House for the whole of Northamptonshire. |
here to view the Domesday Entry in Latin Click
here to view the Domesday Translation A
Vicorian History of the County of Northamptonshire (Extract
on The Manor) |
L208: The Story of Milton
by Rev. BE Evans |
The classic work on the history
of the village since the |
L208: The Story of Milton Malzor
1, Chapter2-3,
4, Chapter
5, Chapter
6, Chapter
7, Chapter
8, Chapter
9, Chapter
Chapter 11 part
1, part
2, part
3, Chapter
12, Chapter
13, Chapter
14, Chapter
15, Chapter
16, Index |
L209: The Tom Tait Story
by Jim Forster
Is available online here |
The Tom Tait story was written by Jim Forster
as his entry to the Prestonpans Local History Week's Memoirs
competition. |
L210: Prestoungrange Church -
by Ian Wallace
Is available online here:
two |
Tells the story of The Church acron 400 years
since its establishment by the turbialent Rev John Davidson
in 1595, and is beautifully illustrated. |
L211: Historical Survey of Prestonpans
- 2nd Edition
by Jeanette Burriss
Is available online here |
Produced in 1928 for her final year project
as a pupil at Preston Lodge School, she compiled this splendid
set of paintings, together with a brief history of the town's
All proceeds from the sale of this booklet go to the Burriss
Bursary for the Arts in Prestonpans £7.50 / €
10 + pp |
L212: Fowler's Brewers' Manual
Is available on line here |
This handbook was written for those who
join a BrewSet at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg to help
brew Fowler's Real Ales and earn their Fellowship Certificate.
It describes the processes involved and hand an excellent
Glossary of Terms.
£15.00 / € 25 + pp |
L213: Cockenzie Power Station Mural
Is available on line here |
This booklet traces the history that lies
behind Andrew Crummy's mural. After 1715 when mining began
it saw Scotland's first wagon way across which the Battle
of Prestonpans was fought.The Preston Links Colliery on
the site gave way to today's power station, which when built
was the largest in Scotland
£1.00 / € 1.50 + pp |
L214: Witch!
by Roy Pugh
Is available on line here:
Finale |
Recreates The Assize of 1678 at which the
then Baron of Prestoungrange, Sir Alexander Morrison, presided
to try Agnes Kelly and Marjorie Anderson, both accused of
Witchcraft. With evidence from the Minister of Prestonpans
Kirk, a witch pricker and sundry indwellers, they were both
found guilty in a travesty of justice and executed.
£5.00 |
L215: The Cauldron
by Roy Pugh
Is available on line here. |
The First of The Prestonpans Witch Trilogy of Plays created in Remembrance
of the 81 people so wrongfully put to death in Prestonpans and Pardoned by the
Barons Courts July 27th 2004.
£5.00 |
L216: Prestonpans Porcelain by Graeme Cruickshank
Is available on line here: |
Scottish Pottery Studies is the name of a series of booklets, the aim of each being to examine some specific aspect of Scottish Pottery history. |
L217: The Registered Designs of Belfield's Pottery, Prestonpans by Graeme Cruickshank
Is available on line here:
Scottish Pottery Studies is the name of a series of booklets, the aim of each being to examine some specific aspect of Scottish Pottery history. |
L218: Prestonpans Pottery by Graeme Cruickshank
This is the third definitive volume evaluating and honouring of the role which Prestonpans has played in Scottish industrial history |
L219 A Backward Glance by Sharon Dabell
Is available online here |
An historical novel of the '45 |
L220 Rebellious Scots to Crush by Arran Johnston
Cover online here |
Anthology of literature and poetry arising from the Battle of Prestonpans |
L221 Off the Wall Art in Prestonpans by John Lindsay, Roy Pugh, Andrew Dallmeyer and Ian Nimmo
Is available online here |
Off the Wall Art is a manifesto for history and the arts beyond the acclaimed mural painting in Prestonpans. It is a manifesto for what the arts ¡®off the wall¡¯ can and are doing in Prestonpans. |
L222 The White Rose and the Thorn Tree by Roy Pugh Is available online here |
An historical novel of the '45 |
L223 The Devil's Craft by Roy Pugh Is available online here |
The last of three plays written as a permanent tribute and reminder of the 81 individuals convicted, but since pardoned, of witchcraft in Prestonpans. |
L224 A Baron's Tale by Gordon Prestoungrange
Is available online here |
A novel from Cuthill Press by Gordon Prestoungrange, Baron of Prestoungrange, that explores the life of William Grant in 1745/ 1764 and all that has since transpired at Prestoungrange - September 2009. |
L225 The Picture of a Scottish Baron Court by Patrick Anderson
Is available online here |
Satirical mid 17th century poem of the Baron who convenes his Court in the hope of collecting rent arrears but finds his tenants are a good match in trickery for his Lady and his Bailie. The Baron concludes the enterprise with little gain:
"Up, stay the pleugh, and let us kill a mouse, I and the Bailie must have one carouse" |
L226 Valour does not wait by Arran Johnston
IS available online here |
This is the story of a young man’s extraordinary achievements, of
his hopes and ambitions, failures and torments. It is the story of
the real Bonnie Prince Charlie, and the mission which first made,
and then destroyed him. |
E301: Scottish Pottery,
by J Arnold Flemming Click
here to read extract on line concerning Prestonpans. |
Tales of the work of myriad potteries
in the area over the centuries. |
E302: Waverley, by Sir Walter
Scott Click
here to read the extract. |
Tells of the heioism and chivalry
of the Battle at Prestonpans. |
E303: Sir Walter Scott's Journal
(1837 / 1890 / 1972) Click
here to read the extract. |
Tells of Sir Walter Scott's visits
to Prestonpans. |
E304: Official Battle Archives
interpreted by Tomasson & Buist (1962) Click
here to read the extract. |
Tells the details of the Battle
of Prestonpans. |
E305: The Thorntree by Hugh
Hannah Click
here to read the extract. |
Tells of the fate of the Thorntree
where Colonel Gardiner was imortally wounded at the Battle
of Prestonpans. |
E306: The Robes
of the Feudal Baronage of Scotland, 1944-45 by Thomas
Innes Click
here to read the extract. |
E307: Book of the Lodge of Aitchison's
here to read the extract. |
These are the oldest Minute Books
of any Lodge in the world. |

E308: Some Remarkable Passages in the
Life of Hon. Col. James Gardiner
by P. Doddridge, D.D
Click on the links below to read the extracts Part
one Part
two Part
three Part
four |
Doddridge, P., 1747, Some Remarkable Passages
in the Life of the Hon. Col. J Gardiner, who was Slain at
the Battle of Preston-pans, September 21st 1745, New Edition
1807, Brightly & Kinnerley, Bungay. |
E309 Salt Pans
by Alex Hamilton
Is available online here |
Scotlands Last Saltworks. |