Fowler's Real Ales & honouring John Fowler &
Real ale is being brewed in Prestonpans - and its available
at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg in the James Fewell and Lord
Mayor's Bars. Take home sales are available in the Jug
Bar until 10pm.
Brewing takes place in Fowler's own microbrewery at The
Prestoungrange Gothenburg. It is a very significant initiative
from the Baron Courts of Prestoungrange & Dolphinstoun and
is wholly designed to honour the traditions of John Fowler &
Company from 1745 - 1962 in Prestonpans. In every way possible
Fowler's Ales (Prestoungrange) Limited - today's
brewers - seek to reflect the town's brewing heritage
but the enterprise itself and our recipes are not the originals,
although registered
marks still exist in their own independent right for the Wee
Heavy and 90/ Pale Ale. John Fowler & Company went into liquidation
in 1969.
The full story as it is known is available as Prestoungrange
Historical Booklet No. 12
Ales - Famous Since the '45
Join a BrewSet
Not only is Fowler's Real Ale brewed and on sale at The
Prestoungrange Gothenburg, but anyone over 18 is invited to register
to join one of the BrewSets that make 100 gallons of beer at a
time most weeks of the year.
And the opportunity is always available to propose a Celebration
Brew for any special occasion for the family, club or workplace.
All BrewSets are conducted under
supervision and all who complete their role gain Fowler's
Certificate of Achievement becoming a Fowler's Fellow.