Joining BrewSets to Make Real Ales
The second most popular aspect of Fowler’s Real Ales [
after drinking them that is ] is helping brew them in the first
place. That is why a totally unique Fowler’s School of Brewing
was established at the outset at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg.
For a modest Registration Fee and a bundle of benefits you can
work in a small team of three or four ‘learner brewers’
aged 18 and over known as a BrewSet. With the Brew Master keeping
a watchful eye, the BrewSet will proceed over seven days or so
make some 100 gallons of beer.
Potential learners can register individually and the School will
join them into BrewSets – or three or four individuals can
register together as a readymade BrewSet.
Each learner brewer gets homework in the Fowler’s
Brewer’s Manual, five test pints to taste and a range
of other enviable outcomes – not to forget the Fowler’s
Certificate of Accomplishment as a Fowler’s Fellow (ff).
To take the next step, link now to:
[If you want to phone to discuss matters further, the number
to call is 01875 819922 during normal working hours; or you can
email George Thompson or Craig Allan, who lead Fowler’s
School of Brewing, at