Brewers at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg
Brewing at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg is led by George
Thompson and Craig Allan. It was George Thompson who actually
'built' the microbrewery early 2004 and he is admirably complemented
by Craig Allan who is in post throughout the week although
at times he will be playing other strings from his bow as
his profile below suggests he might. |
The new team brewing our ales
It is always important for a microbrewery to let its supporters
know the career background of those who are making the ales we
all drink, and who will be leading the BrewSets.
George Thompson holds office as
Fowler's Ales 'Consulting' Brewer, 'consulting'
because he is still at work building microbreweries around
the globe and has an entrepreneurial stake in several of the
installations he has built already. He brings 25 years experience
to the role.
In particular George is the Head of Fowler's School of
Brewing, where enthusiasts can always join BrewSets.
As many readers will know they can by this route proceed to
Fowler's Fellowships and Companionships. |
Both George and Craig Allan incidentally are graduates of Herriot
Watt University - George took his Post-graduate Diploma in 1979
and Craig the same award in 1998.
After his graduation, George's career path took him to Watney
Mann Truman and to brewing in Craigmillar. But then he took an
unusual turn which could fortell his abiding interest in the Gothenburg
Principles [and maybe even pressage a new beverage in our bars].
He went to work with ASDA as Production Manager of Europe's most
advanced liquid milk dairy, but after that experience decided
to make his way back as Production Manager with Dunbar brewer
Belhaven by the end of the 1980s.
By 1997 his off-duty hobby as a consultant to small breweries
led to the establishment of his own enterprise, Brewing Solutions,
of which he is Managing Director - a joint enterprise with fellow
Herriot Watt graduate Brendan Dobbin. Since that date they have
built more than 30 microbreweries from the northern tip of Norway
[the most northerly brewery in the world] to the Campo de Gibraltar,
and from County Clare in Ireland to Sunny Beach Bulgaria.
Meanwhile Craig Allan eschewed milk
and took a keen interest in whisky and wine.
After graduating in both biochemistry and brewing/ distilling
from Herriot Watt, Craig went to Aviemore Brewing as an Assistant
Brewer making real ales and creating new recipes. Next he
went to the Scottish Malt Whisky Society in Edinburgh where
he led tasting parties astray and was responsible for running
their bar. But he gave all that up for a two year travelling
sojurn in France working successively in one of Beaune's 'organic'
vineyards, at Chateau de Puligny in Puligny-Montrachet and
finally in Santenay at La Domaine des Hautes Cornieres where
he completed his Diploma in Vine Culture and Winemaking. |
... but beer was in his genes. He has a great grandfather who
was a cooper and a grandfather who was a brewer both at Fowler's
in Prestonpans; and the pictures to prove it. So what more natural
place for him to come than to Fowler's 21st Century reincarnation,
working as a Fowler's Brewer himself at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg.
But rest assured he shall not be letting all that wine knowledge
go to waste. His role also includes: Advice on The Gothenburg's
Wine lists involving selection and labelling of the House Wines;
Wine Tastings on a regular basis with customers; and [as just
a gleam in the eye] the growing of our 'own' vines in Jim Forster's
south facing microculture at The Gothenburg!
... and Feedback Please!
Please call in to chat with George and Craig whenever
you can, and if you are a potential BrewSet member make early
contact now for the next available dates - Phone 01875 819922
or email
And let them know what you think of their brews...