Barony of Lochnaw
Much Honoured Baron of Lochnaw
Dr Gordon Prestoungrange MBE, then Much Honoured Baron of Prestoungrange, was infeft of All the Lands and Barony of Lochnaw in the County of Wigtown after Disposition by Sybil Agnew Butterfield on 9th of July 2004 as recorded in The General Register of Sasines in that County [Fiche 38 Frame 9] on August 9th 2004; and subsequently in The Scottish Barony Register on 31st March 2017 [Volume 4 Folios 20-21]. The Personal Tartan of the Baron of Lochnaw was registered in the Scottish Register of Tartans on 21st June 2017 [No. 11,381]. Elliot Wills, younger son of The Much Honoured Baron of Dolphinstoun, is nominated heir and thus designated Younger of Lochnaw.
The Prescriptive Title and Dignity was acquired a non domino by Sybil Agnew Butterfield as Executrix both for Brigadier Donald Robert Angew then Lena Florence Agnew under Declarations 12th June 2003 and August 19th 2003 all as described in Disposition by Mabel Florence Murray Recorded January 6th 1965 to Brigadier Donald Robert Agnew; the Ground disponed extending to 3.6 acres.
Origins of the Title and Dignity of Baron of Lochnaw
1. Root title is the Charter under the Great Seal dated 29th March 1699 consequent to Signature under the Sign Manual., summarised as follows: Charter of Novodamus in favour of James Agnew Younger of Lochnaw and the heirs made of his body by Lady Margaret Montgomery his spouse ….
[N.B. The Barony of Lochnaw is totally distinct from the Hereditary Nova Scotia Title of Scottish Baronet first granted to Sir Patrick Angew by King Charles I 28th July 1629 and traditionally recognised as Chief of Clan Agnew.]
2. Brevitatis causa, progress of title has been followed by Charters in progress and the Tailzie and Signatures for Charters.
2.1 Signature in favour of Captain Andrew Agnew, The Royall Regiment of North British Fusilliers [afterwards 5th Baronet] … and irredeemably ALL and HAILL the five merk land of Lochnaw with the tower fortalice mansion house buildings yeards orchayards … November 30th 1719 …
2.2 Signature in favour of Stair Agnew Esq [afterwards 6th Baronet] .. 6th August 1756
3. Tailzie 1757: Al the Whole and Lands and Barony of Lochnaw brought into entail and so remained until dismantled in 1892, specifically:
3.1 Entail Recorded 15th June 1757 executed 20th and 21st April 1757 in favour of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw in liferent and Stair Andrew in fee and the heirs male of his body …..
3.2 Recorded 10th July 1769 executed 29th June and 7th July 1769, Deed of Alteration to the tailzie to remove certain irritancies …
3.3 Signature for Charter in favour of Sir Stair Agnew … 10th December 1771 … [This was the last Charter in Progress of the Barony].
3.4 Extract Decree of Special Service and consequent Sasine of Sir Andrew Noel Agnew [9th Baronet] … with narrative of Charter 1699 and Tailzie 1757 … Recorded 25th July 1892 …
3.5 Disentail of ALL and HAILL the Barony of Lochnaw .. Recorded 3rd October 1892 executed 19th July 1892 by Sir Andrew Noel Agnew …. Notice of Disentail recorded 19th October 1892
4. After Disentail in 1892:
4.1 Will of Sir Andrew Agnew 30th May 1928 Recorded in Book of Council and Session 19th July 1928 vesting estate in trustee’s for the testator’s nephew Fulque Melville Agnew [subsequent 10th Baronet] in Liferent with power of sale except Lochnaw Castle …
4.2 Notice of Title of Testamentary Trustees of Sir Noel Agnew Recorded in Register of Sasine 31st October 1935 ..
4.3 Disposition by Trustees with Consent of Sir Fulque Melville Agnew in favour of Cairngorm Investment Company Limited of ALL the WHOLE the Lands and Barony of Lochnaw … 30th December 1947 ..
4.4 Dispersal of Estate by Cairngorm Investment Company through sale of 18 separate lots each described as ‘part and portion’ of the Lands and Barony of Lochnaw or ‘part of All and Whole the Lands and Barony of Lochnaw; none contained a Disposition of the Barony per se … in particular Recorded March 17th 1952 Disposition to David Sayle of the Castle and Ruins of the Old castle showing neither the Barony nor the Caput specifically conveyed ..
4.5 Disposition by Cairngorm Investment Company to William Murray Retired Gamekeeper 3.6 acres of land ‘part of All and Whole the Lands and Barony of Lochnaw Recorded April 8th 1953 [RS122/338.63]
4.6 Disposition by Mabel Florence Murray, sole Executrix of William Murray aforesaid to Brigadier Donald Agnew of the last mentioned land January 1st 1965 [RS122/401.172]
Abolition of Feudal Tenure November 30th 2004
All the Lands and Title of the Barony of Lochnaw were disponed on July 9th 2004 by Sybil Agnew Butterfield to Dr Gordon Prestoungrange, then Baron of Prestoungrange, i.e. prior to the Appointed Day for the Abolition of Feudal Tenure in Scotland, November 28th 2004. The Feudal Title, as Baron of Lochnaw was at that time derived from the 3.6 acres of Lands so disponed. Although in future the Title as Baron cannot be so derived, the Act of Abolition has inter alia retained the Dignity of Baron within the Nobility of Scotland with all the Heraldic Rights and Privileges hitherto attaining.
Prestoungrange's wife, Avril Wills, is The Lady of Lochnaw.
National Registration [11831] June 21st 2017 of personal tartan for the Baron of Lochnaw and for all Wills/ Prestoungrange/ Dolphinstoun family members; and 'district' for those living in the former lands of the Barony of Lochnaw

Heraldic blazon presented outwith Scotland embraces those granted earlier by Lord Lyon to Prestoungrange and Dolphinstoun
Arms: Azure a fess chequy Argent and Gules between in chief two wings conjoined in lure and expanded the coverts uppermost or and in base a castle Sable. Above the shield, behind which is draped the entitled feudo-baronial mantle Gules, doubled of silk Argent, fur edged of Miniver and collar Ermine and fastened dexter by five spherical buttons Or, is placed a chapeau Gules furred Ermine (in respect of the feudal Barony of Lochnaw) thereon an helm befitting the degree with mantling Vert doubled Argent, with infeft Argent award at point, upon Gules silk ribbon. Crest: A raven’s head couped Sable langued Gules gorged of a collar composed of four maple leaves (one and two halves visible) Gules and four acorns (two visible) Or and holding in the beak a cross-crosslet Vert.
Motto: Cum fide vincemus (“With faith we will overcome”). Badge: A crescent per pale Azure and Gules enclosed within two wings conjoined in lure, tips uppermost Or. Standard: Four yards in length of four tracts Vert and Argent, split at the ends, having Azure a St. Andrew’s cross Argent in the hoist and said motto in letters Sable upon two traverse bands Gules with said badge depicted in the 1st and 3rd compartments and said crest in centre.

A Selection of photographs [April 2018] showing the woodlands that presently cover the baronial lands
To reach the Barony drive from Leswalt on B7043, passing Loch Lochnaw with the view across to Lochnaw Castle ...
.... to arrive at Rose Cottage which is at the corner of the lands. Enter the farmland concrete road passing Rose Cottage to your right and look back across the farm lands to the Barony's 3.6 acres of woodlands:
Return to the main road and pass Rose Cottage now on the left and then turn left. Proceed alongside the woodlands close by the road ..... passing bluebells and rhodedendrons ....
..... until the next left turn to Portpatrick on B738. Turn there and run alongside the lands until a small farm track turns off to the right. There the Baronial woodlands end. To stay awhile, head for Knockinaam Lodge at Portpatrick DG9 9AD on the shore.

Published Date: August 22nd 2017