Boarding @ Home: Day 20/84: Talking Turkey in Canada .. and in Scotland!
Chickens not available in Edmonton One has to assume they're all chocolate and so turkey's the fowl to consume. Certainly Anne reports that Joan cooked one with all trimmings and it's destined to appear cold and otherwise for many a day to come. Here in Milton it's pork and since my platelet count was low on my PreOp tests extra green veggies.
Sodality [love of fellows deriving from strong conviction] is the watchword in Prestonpans. The Battle Trustees certainly constitute a strong karass [like minded people] showing their determination to reconfigure as circumstances might demand the manner in which the 275th Commemoration of the battle will be accomplished. Not for us postponement until next year as they've resolved at Arbroath where the 700th Anniversary of the Declaration there by Scottish Barons was to be commemorated; it's now to be 701st! Needless to say we'd have a problem with postponement since 2021 is the 275th anniversary for the Jacobites of victory at Falkirk and subsequent defeat Culloden.

Our present and pandemic exit strategy is to give ever greater focus to the Trust's digital presence @ and very significantly on Facebook @ Battle of Prestonpans 1745 where more than 2000 regular visitors are following myriad visuals and links that Arran and Sharon have been conjuring … some afresh, some from the 14 years of archives. The Prestonpans Tapestry national tour which commences in Inverurie, scene of the Jacobites' other significant victory in December 1745 has been rescheduled for late summer without difficulty and a range of mixed digital/ f2f activities are being developed for the Commemoration Weekend, September 19th/ 21st. There is every expectation that the John Gray Centre exhibition from October/ January 2021 will go ahead satisfactorily... and the links to Bòrd na Gàidhlig remain firmly in place. This coming week the 10/17 year olds Invitation has been issued and extended to Adults as well .. submissions in English, Scots or Gaelic by December 20th 2020.
UK pandemic exit strategies become the narrative … led by new Leader of HM's Opposition Sir Keith Starmer. Only one response to my analysis so far from Martha Bryce, our PR guru in Scotland. She's for A Wild 1960s Scenario echoing the end of rationing and Macmillan's Never Had It So Good era. The narrative in the media thus far is behind my sociopsychological analyses; it's focussed on steps. One delirious notion is that pre A level cohorts will gladly return for the second half of the summer term. Since none of us will be able to travel abroad anyway why not simply extend summer term till mid August. Schools in Scotland can then run straight on and start their next term! It's fascinating to see who wants refunds as well as travellers and holiday makers. There's little or no service available under private health insurance [Avril and myself] or car insurance benefit [all] or private school fees [Henry and Elliot] … so many conundra. Something for PM Boris Johnson now out of intensive care to ponder at Chequers maybe as he convalesces; answers not required from the Chancellor or Derbyshire or Northamptonshire Police. I hypothesise that if lockdown proceeds as so far protoyped in Wuhan, there'll be no wild celebrations Martha. There might well be VC Day 2021 when we're all officially encouraged to celebrate and to remember what was and what might have been! But return to normality will take serious attention; eyes down look in. Dozens of loose ends to be sorted …. meetings with understanding bank managers [if they still exist - ask Bryan and Anne?].. bankruptcies and liquidations galore. Meat rationing in the UK continued from 1945-1954 after the end of WWII.
Published Date: April 11th 2020