Boarding @ Home: Day 17/84: Indeed The Doctor Called!
Let nature take its course … That was the counsel for my labyrnthitis and maybe get a dog but not a cat! As for home blood pressure tests, I had instruction to take the average of 10 spaced out triple tests [the latter 2 minutes apart], using the lowest reading from each triple test to sum then divide the total by 10. Meanwhile access to the battery of PreOp tests in February at Three Shires Hospital can be mine if I mail a passport copy plus a letter to them. There's customer service for you.
I've no intention of posing as a deipnosophist [master craftsman] in Gaelic. The intention has only been to become just a little more familiar not least with the street signs/ walkers' boards we have put in place at Prestonpans. So I shall persist with no scope to heterophemize [misspeak]. I have been urged to be a 'Gentleman, one who never gives offence unintentionally and henceforth will place a synonym next to unusual words I use.
Time to record the frost damage on the magnolias. After their splendid early days three frosts in a row did for the magnolia flowers both at The Manor House [l] and The Lodge [r]. We've not seen the likes of such frosts for the past 5 years or more so and can readily recall the fruit blossoms last year that gave rise to a plenitude.[Click to enlarge images]
But the more protected front porch at The Lodge has given good opportunity for the tulip tubs to blossom.
Food parcels today .. getting in stock before Easter The Family Groceries service today worked wonders. The achievements of the food supply chains in our country are to be marvelled at even though they buckled at the online delivery wishes of those of hundreds of thousands of us confined to quarters. Today I was rewarded with that elusive 'Olive Oil' Benecol Margarine from Sainsbury, a Hovis Brown Seeded loaf and my prescription pills! Rioja reds and Kiwi Sauvignon Blancs also seem to be reaching us … it can't still be the unused Brexit No Deal stockpiles surely? They tell us they welcome the justifiable opportunity to get out shopping which they accomplish not only for us and themselves in Milton but for Laura's parents in Buckingham.
Digital vibrations from Edmonton … in build up to Anne's 84th birthday. I've tried to enlist the support of nieces Samantha and Robyn who were here with us last summer to ensure she gets a cake. We'll see. They've both just finished their Uni studies, Samantha all 4 years earning her Bachelor. Robyn's half way through methinks.
P.S. Still dining out/in on my 1.5 mile walk with Elliot after the Maserati got stuck on the farm track at Lillingston Dayrell [see March 23rd blog] and the alibi it gave for no exercise. However I am back in training on the gym cycle and will shortly re-attain my 4km/ 15 minute daily incursion.
Published Date: April 8th 2020