Boarding @ Home: Day 6/84: Not sure digital life will prove all conquering ...
No time to be churlish; just eternally optimistic. The more we 'enjoy' digital life, like Kindle in its time, the more optimistic I become it will be a sombrero. The exponential extrapolation of trends, indeed the routine extrapolation of trends I learnt from my days in Technological Forecasting, the more society switches to an alternative functionality. Which in plain lingo means the whole world wont go virtual. We'll emerge after our 84 days in purdah wanting pavement and NT cafes and open countryside .. just as we want hard copy books to hold and to read. Even the post Baby Boomer generations. We'll enjoy sights in the rain which we could see virtually under blue skies.

[I was a Gordon Wills in the 1970s and Penguin Books happily offered the title; still available on @ amazon]
Which reminds me I have a mixed media Pending File for our Jacobite Trail strategies on the far side of all this ….
Just watched last night's Film Club - Stitches for Charlie we made in 2010. It's an extraordinary reminder of what people can and will do if invited and the project is off-the-wall. We asked for and got 25,000+ hours of free embroidery in 9 months creating a 104 metre tapestry that's honestly inspired millions more to stitch community artworks globally and attracted more than half a million visitors f2f and 300,600+ @ The NHS asked last week for volunteers to help in myriad ways during purdah and to date there are 750,000+ on the register.
Talking of film, we remembered taking the two boys aged 10 & 8 to see Star Wars I in a London cinema [1977/78] so at Avril's urging we thought we'd revisit the saga again with ITV's Star Wars VII yesterday. Plus ça change.. But there were unintended consequences of course. And so our first Saturday night could indulge catch up on Question of Sport retrospective and Would I Lie to You? Then Lee Mack and Emilia Fox turned up to spoil the evening with misplaced contributions to Mrs Brown's Boys.
Attention turned to our garden when ex-postman Richard arrived to cut our grass! He's a regular boon and maintained good distance. But the garden's bounty from 2019 was also on offer as the freezer box [no chest in the garage] revealed gooseberries and frozen apple puree. A quick boil and use of all the remaining granulated sugar in stock and we have a delicious compote ready for subsequent breakfasts....
Published Date: March 28th 2020