Robertsons, MacLachlans, Struan, Atholl and Jacobites at large ... Unite! The Prince is Calling You Out ...
Unite indeed. The Prince Needs You … hear why [free] at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg: August30th 5/7 pm
It's the echo of The Prince's [Bonnie Prince Charlie's] Call to Arms in 1745 for the Battle of Prestonpans. On that occasion the Atholl Brigade, the Robertsons of Struan, MacLachlans and Jacobite supporters at large… Came Out for The Prince …. and there was a great Victory in Prestonpans!
This year there's a truly great commemoration and re-enactment on September 15th/ 16th at Greenhills in Prestonpans. But before that there's an important opportunity for all whose names Atholl, Robertson, Struan or MacLachlan [or have mothers with such names] or who stay on streets which have those names in The Pans i.e. Atholl View, Jacobite Way, Robertson Avenue, Struan Wynd or MacLachlan Gardens, ….. to get a full 'free' briefing on their Clan's history and their contribution at Prestonpans in 1745 … ALL are invited to the Prestoungrange Gothenburg 5/7 pm on Thursday August 30th ... please come, especially the youngsters, whose heritage it is for the future.
AUGUST 30th Thursday, 5/7pm at The Gothenburg - the BIG Briefing is at 7pm precisely; before that enjoy the fellowship together ...
The 2018 Prestonpans Re-enactments are to be held on September 15th/ 16th this year at Greenhills of which full details are available @ DIRECTLY HERE

Published Date: August 24th 2018