5th Biennial National Battlefields Symposium: Perth October 15th
Yes, it's the 5th Biennial since the Heritage Lottery Fund gave support to this Symposium; always enjoyable! and free!

This coming Saturday, 15th October 2016, we the 5th Biennial Scottish Battlefields Symposium will be held at Perth Museum & Art Gallery. Trust Chairman is Herbert Coutts KM MBE.
Entry to the event is free and the day will feature fascinating presentations from a range of engaging speakers, on this year's theme "Civil Conflict in Scotland", including:
- The 1650 Dunbar Scottish Prisoner's Burial at Durham, by Richard Annis of Durham University
- The "Art Militaire" and the Battle of Kilsyth, by Warwick Louth
- The Battle of Sark 1448, by Jenn Scott
- The Battle of Airds Moss 1680, by Mark Jardine
- Prestonpans in 1745: a community divided, by Arran Johnston
Alongside the presentations from our guest speakers there will also be an open discussion, and an opportunity to hear the latest news from the Scottish Battlefields Trust.
Published Date: October 10th 2016