Letters from the Front ...
The Coastal Regeneration Alliance and the Battle Trust take to the Courier's Letters Page!
Most sharers at this NewsNet will know there's a stramash afoot about an off-hand remark by Cllr. Calum Miller at Prestonpans Community Council last week. He unwisely, he suggests unguardedly, opined that nobody wants the battle site. Truth is they do, and they're not simply 'battle huggers' or just well contented re-enactors! Educationalists, archaeologists and cultural anthropologists as well as a multitude of very regular Panners really do. And so do folk across the globe. They're all signing up to the Petition the Battle Trust launched 3 days ago.

If you've not had the chance to look yet, and if you're with the Trust and wish to to sign up and comment, you can readily do so now if you LINK DIRECTLY HERE.
As well as the Petition, as can be seen below, 'Letters' are being written from The Front to the East Lothian Courier too ...

Published Date: May 27th 2016