Bad news from Derby? Prince met his match and now rides back to Glasgow for Christmas ...
Not a good omen perhaps?
News from Derby this year was that after the Prince reached the city his Highlanders had successful and easy victory at Swakestone Bridge on December 5th, ensuring the route to London across the Trent was secure. Big crowds listened to his triumphal speech.

But on the following day, Sunday, his troops were overwhelmed by the government's redcoats in the city centre!
We have no pictures yet of that defeat just the victory at Swarkestone [shown below] but rumour has it he has now turned back and his army expect to spend Christmas in Glasgow and the New Year back with their families in the Highlands. The Prince is reportedly greatly angered telling all who will listen that 'the moment has now passed and the opportunity is lost'.
Published Date: December 10th 2015