The Pans en France! Diaspora Tapestry in Paris .. and Breton tv on the beach at St Nazaire
Jean et Hubert in St Nazaire/ Pornichet still hoping for that plaque on the beach
When the Battle of Prestonpans Tapestry visited St Nazaire/ Pornichet and attracted thousands at the Hippodrome LINKED HERE it was hosted by Hubert and Jean Cevaer. It was hoped at the time that a plaque could be placed on the beach from whence the Prince set sail to Scotland in July 1745 but so far no traction with the Maire.

However, as the Prince knew all too well, there's always Hope and Ambition .. and persistence has lately brought the morning team of Breton tv F 3 BREIZH out filming at the spot located in Bonne Ance. Two Nazairians, Manaig, Patrick attended with Hubert as historical adviser.
The outcome was Charles Edward Stuart's story from Bonne Ance. The programme ran for five minutes in Breton for their regular programme Bali Breizh - Brittany Avenue.

P.S. Yes, the 'other' Scottish 'Pans' Diaspora Tapestry is to the northeast at Boussy Saint Antoine LINKED HERE ... and moves to central Paris before flying off to Australia on November 1st.

Margaret Ferguson-Burns reported:
'The Boussy Saint Antoine exhibition has opened today at 2 of its 3 venues here. One of them is an amazing Retirement Home which is like a modern luxury hotel with a beautiful entrance hall. The residents are enjoying the amazing spectacle of the panels. We had the extra challenge of ensuring that residents in wheelchairs and those with support staff could get through and that any rescue crew would be able to clear the place easily. We had a test run with a lady who used a zimmer frame to see if she could get round the back to see the other half of the Australian panels and I had to push the piano and the 6 foot vase along a bit to enable her to get past. Everyone is enjoying it, residents; staff and visitors.
'The Mayor and other officials are delighted that it is also being exhibited in the Town Hall and he told us that last night, when there was a reception there, he had left the door open for the guests to see the panels - and that they would love to keep it longer. The Deputy Mayor is hunting for the Scottish flag so that it can go on the flag pole above the door. Isabelle, one of the Councillors and also a stitcher, helped put up the exhibition and came back to have a good look this afternoon.
'Food tonight with Ros and Terry from Brora and Tain - they set out for Rome tomorrow morning to take the hired van back! Went out this morning with Pamela to deliver posters and flyers at Lesigny and later for a drive to Yerres and spent time at the two venues blethering with visitors, variously in French and miming to fairly good effect'.

P.S. ... well, not quite le government ecossais, but they were one of the major sponsors and are mightily proud of all that has been achieved, and we are for our part most grateful to them! A more precise statement would perhaps be presented by the Prestoungrange Arts Festival with its local community stitchers.
Published Date: October 6th 2015