Professional integrity perhaps but to the wrong ends! A not uncommon flaw in all of us of course ...
Coastal Regeneration supporters continue their campaign to halt the Scottish Enterprise proposals
Angela Leitch has come the defence of her planning colleagues in the face of criticism by the Coastal Regeneration Group - as reprinted here. The issue for many is not whether staff at East Lothian Council are behaving with 'professional integrity' but why thy are thus behaving at all. The proposal is simply not wanted. To do the 'wrong' thing by the constituents you work for with the greatest 'professional integrity' is no help at all. Just stop collaborating with the guys from Scottish Enterprise who are seeking to do what the constituents don't want ... please!

... and John McMillan, if it really is a Dream and not a Nightmare, come and live amongst us here on our coastline and hear and see what we are saying ... and more significantly, why. It's us who elected you to represent us all after all ... It's not a Consultation on the bankrupt ideas that we ask for but genuine listening please ... once you have our message, please then plough ahead on our tracks .. and if that is contrary to Central and Regional Agencies, stand up for us all to the bitter end.

Published Date: November 20th 2014