III: Occupation of Prestonpans and the Riggonhead March at dawn
Friday Night Occupation of The Pans
It's now become traditional for the Highlanders and Redcoats to 'occupy' The Pans on the eve of the battle re-enactments. In reality it was the redcoats under Cope that took control although at that time Old Preston and The Pans were two separate communities. The pictures below tell the story in 2013 which culminated with several hours relaxation at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg - where the re-enactors 'dine' with the compliments of the Battle Trust throughout the weekend.
click on all images to enlarge

The Riggonhead March has taken place each year at 5 am from Tranent to Seton Collegiate, the route the Prince's Highlanders took at the same time to ensure their surprise dawn attack on the redcoats
As in 1745, the march coincided with the dawn, breaking in the east over Seton ....

P.S. One of the delights for the very early morning start is a Scotch egg and apple in Tranent and a full breakfast back at The Gothenburg by 7 am. And there's a medal to be gained as well.
In the years to come a new eco-friendly housing development, Blindwells, will straddle the route the Highlanders took but as can be realised, the Battle Trust has every intention of ensuring the route remains for ever marked and honoured!
Published Date: October 3rd 2013