There's a great Davy Steele Tribute Concert in Haddington - must go occasion September 1st!
‘STEELE THE SHOW’ it's the headline concert at Haddington's Trad-on-the-Tyne Festival this year ...
The headline event at this year’s Trad on the Tyne festival in Haddington (31 August-2 September) is to be ‘Steele the Show’, the outstanding tribute concert to the late, great Prestonpans singer and songwriter Davy Steele, who died in 2001.

The Davy Steele Tribute is from 8.00pm / 9.30pm on September 1st, tickets £15/ Concession £12.
The show, which was a huge hit at last year’s Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow was curated by Patsy Seddon. It will be performed again in Haddington on Saturday 1st September and will feature a host of top-flight musicians including Dick Gaughan, Patsy Seddon, Mary Macmaster, Siobhan Miller, , Kathy Stewart, Peter Boond, Gary West, Andy Thorburn, Donald Hay, Eilidh Shaw, Amy MacDougall and Davy and Patsy’s son, Jamie Steele.
Davy Steele was a key figure in some of Scotland’s finest groups, including Ceolbeg, Clan Alba and the Battlefield Band, and recorded three fine solo albums.
He is revered as one of Scotland’s most honest and eloquent voices, writing songs – such as Farewell tae the Haven, The Last Trip Home, Long Hellos and Short Goodbyes, Scotland Yet, and Just One More Chorus - often rooted in the past and present of his beloved East Lothian home turf while giving new expression to traditional material.
“We are really thrilled to be staging this show, which both celebrates the amazing talents of one of East Lothian’s finest sons and showcases some of the country’s greatest musicians,” said Alastair Bruce, one of the Trad-on-the-Tyne organising committee. “The impact that 'Steele the Show' made at Celtic Connections was quite extraordinary, and it is great – and hopefully very fitting - that we are now able to follow up that success by bringing the show home to East Lothian.
“It will not only be a wonderful musical occasion but also, no doubt, an emotional evening for all involved.”
Patsy Seddon, who was Davy Steele’s second wife, commented: “I am delighted to be given the chance to bring this show to East Lothian and to give people from far and near the opportunity to enjoy his songs once again. Davy always called Prestonpans ‘the centre of the universe’ but in fact his songs have universal appeal and, though written some time ago, are still very current. The show in Glasgow was a real celebration of Davy’s immensely powerful song-writing and I’m sure this event will be just as uplifting.”
The full programme for Trad-on-the-Tyne, which is run by Haddington Pipe Band in association with the Waterloo Bistro, will be held at the East Haugh in Haddington and as with last year’s festival, a series of top-quality concerts will be complemented by come-and-try sessions, Open Stage, workshops, storytelling, stalls, a silent disco, late-night sessions, and a range of family entertainments.
The Festival website LINKED HERE features all the details including booking facilities for tickets.
Published Date: August 28th 2012