Left or Right? Which Way Next for the Tapestry Exhibition Tour ....
Clever photography, but where next?
It's clearly Invergarry Castle, Panel # 30 by Avril Wills, but how come the Highlanders are going in both directions? It's achieved by using a mirror image of course!
After St Mary's Cathedral Exhibition concludes on August 31st the Tapestry will head south to Corby and Derby ...
... and hopefully to Glasgow in time for Christmas.
Then in 2013 the planned visit to North America is again being scheduled with further visits in France and across the Highlands [with a specific promise to Barra where the Prince's ship the du Teillay indeed made first landfall in Scotland] ... before a major cycle of exhibitions during the 2014 Homecoming not least in Prestonpans.
Are any readers here keen to see the Tapestry in their location?
If you'd like to see an exhibition in your locality, please be in touch with Arran Johnston HERE.
Published Date: July 20th 2012