Scots Magazine, November 2010
Scots Magazine tells the Scottish diaspora of the making of The Prestonpans Tapestry
As was to be expected, press and tv coverage of The Prestonpans Tapestry is now being followed through with feature articles in magazines. East Lothian Life has published analyses of the stitchers' backgrounds and motivations - in two parts, Autumn and Winter 2010/ 2011.
This month Scots Magazine, established in 1739, which incidentally also reported on the Battle of Prestonpans in 1745 [LINKED HERE], carries an excellent article by Gaynor Allen - 'Life's Rich Tapestry'. And later this month [28th Novemeber to be precise] Stitch, the embroiderer's magazine, carries another extensive appreciation.

For the moment, however, it's time to ask the newsagent for the November issue of Scots Magazine. If that fails phone them up to send you a subscription/ the November issue for £2.50 + pp @ +44 (0)1382 223131, or email @
Published Date: November 17th 2010