Stitches for Charlie - Eric Robinson's DVD to get its premiere at Global Murals Conference in Georgia USA
It's 4 Years since the Totem Pole was raised in The Pans ..
... and the occasion was the Global Murals Arts & Cultural Tourism Conference that we were proud to host in 2006. It also saw completion of the Mural-in-a-Day telling the Battle Story. That's a biennial Conference series. 2008 was in Sheffield, Tasmania and 2010 is to be in Colquitt, Georgia, USA in the last week of October.
There are two BIG stories to be told there this year, but that's only after coming to an undestanding of host community Colquitt's own iconic Swamp Gravy Festival. The first is Chemainus' issue of $300,000 of home town currency as told by Dr Karl Schutz; and the second is The Prestonpans Tapestry as told by Andrew Crummy with Gordon Prestoungrange in support. Both these Murals Town initiatives are unique thus far on the scale to be reported.
Eric Robinson's DVD to be premiered on October 29th
It was not deliberate that the premiere is to be in Georgia! But we were always very keen to share with those who have given our community so much inspiration this past decade this latest artwork of ours. It's a mural after all in that it hangs on the wall [admittedly a wall so far of exhibition boards!]
Eric got involved with the Stitchers and the Arts and Battle Trusts at the inception of the project. He called regularly at Andrew Crummy's Studio in Cockenzie and at the Private Viewing meeting as they progressed with Stitchers, and he chatted endlessly with the leadership team. It takes a good while to edit and cut the hours of footage he's collected and to dub in voices and music and images. But he'd always had the Colquitt deadline, and he's made it of course. We'll soon be reporting here two outcomes:
1. What our global friends make of what we've been at with The Prestonpans Tapestry on October 29th; and
2. When the DVD will get its premiere here in Prestonpans.
.... and, of course, how all our Stitchers and many supporters can lay their hands of a personal copy - well in time for Christmas! There'll be a charge alas but the proceeds will all go to the Campaign to create our Tapestry's 'permanent' home in The Pans.
P.S. It's an absolute stunner, just like Ian Green's Greentrax CDTRAX356 : The Battle of Prestonpans 1745 - Music and Song of the Campaign/ A Companion to The Prestonpans Tapestry available £12 + pp.
P.P.S Andrew Laurie, The Goth's Award Winning Chef, will be in Colquitt as well defending the Willie Park Golf Championship Title he first won in 2006!
... but no [Courier] it was not the Yanks who got to see the DVD .. they're Confederates, being Southern States, and in Ontario it was the League of Empire Loyalists!

Published Date: October 11th 2010