Ageing Well & Inveresk Sewers ... still ringing the Bell for the Lord Provost!
Not to be missed .. the Lord Provost Stewart in a fix ... rings the Alarm Bell... does he look anxious?
Some new images worth savouring as the panels continue to flow in .... please keep them coming and the black & white photographs and the biographical notes .... it's all looking good. We might even make then dealines ....
Yes, they're 'Ageing Well' and the Highlanders seem to be making good progress through Inveresk ..... P.S. some intriguing news ... Duddingston Historical Society and Historic Scotland Rangers are going to walk from King's Park to Duddingston on due date this year ....led astray by our very own Prince!
click to enlarge the images

Published Date: June 23rd 2010