How will the 102 metre Prestonpans Tapestry be displayed ....?
Answers are starting to emerge ...
We've often been asked as the Prestonpans Tapestry project has rolled forward: "Where will it all eventually be housed?" The simple answer is "in Prestonpans". But of course we don't yet know where!
The Trust is campaigning for a Living History Centre to tell the story of the Battle of Prestonpans not least through the images on the tapestry. Such a venue in the fullness of time will no doubt be ideal. But for the moment ...
The Prestonpans Tapestry will be Touring from July 2010 ....
.... along the Prince's Route as taken July/ September 1745, and in all such other locations as make good sense to the venue hosts and the Trust.
As such, all embroiderers are asked to stake an early claim for the touring exhibition to be in their own locality. What we ask is that [i] a suitable venue is highlighted, and [ii] the local community is widely informed. Then the Trust's Exhibition team will arrive and assemble the Exhibition in some 2 hrs.
Along with the Exhibition will come the GuideBook containing all the colour images and story lines on each embroidered panel.
The Format for the Exhibition
click to enlarge image

It seems most likley that the embroidered panels will be stiched in fives i.e. 5 metre lengths. And with a total of 102 metres now expected, that will give 20 x 5 metre lengths + a wee bit!. Embroiderers will have noticed that the left hand edge of their panels are blank, whilst the right hand edge is lined, boxed and tagged ... this makes for simple side by side attachment as shown with the two panels just above.
Each 5 metre length will be backed and velcro stitched to that backing. Then the velcro will itself be attached to the exhibition boards as shown below here - which are velcro receptive.
The boards are of course mock ups and the actual boards to be used will be black not grey. They stand on their own 51 vertical legs and 51 feet. The tapestry panels will be exhibited both front and back. Hence 50 boards not 100. Our advisers for the travelling exhibition are local experts Eastern Photography and Displays of Musselburgh.

The exhibition gestalt [boards/ legs/ panels/ guide books] will be transported in our own liveried Tapestry Wagon and be accompanied by properly dressed presenters who also take care of assembling the Exhibition.
A donation to the Trust will be sought from all who wish to view the Tapestry, and the guide book will be on sale at the discounted price of £10 for such much appreciated donees.
If you would wish to see the tapestry in your locality and are willing to help get the venue organised, rest assured from the Trust we'll do the rest. Let Gillian Hart know asap and we'll finalise dates and times.
Published Date: February 4th 2010