More Tapestry News ... Stitchers 'Pans Gang' almost Complete
New Stitchers joined the Pans Gang at the Gothenburg on November 5th!
The Prestonpans Tapestry now has 'almost' every panel signed up for with new recruits just joined from Dunbar and Glasgow, Falkirk and Dunblane ....
Andrew Crummy, Artistic Director, has completed all 80+ black pencil sketches [which are the basis of sign off with local communities] and is well on with creating the full size paintings for the stitchers which are then outlined on the linen using a light box.
Dorie Wilkie, Head Stitcher, is launching a series of StitchIn Sessions over the coming months as well as the guide already provided at the website.
Gillian Hart as Convenor of the Stitchers is working to despatch the linens and the wools across the nation ...
...and a new 'Tapestry 2010 Parade Group' led by Prince Charles Edward himself [aka Arran Johnson seen below writing letters at Borrodale House] will be convened at end November. Its responsibilities also include the accompanying full colour souvenir book and the development of the dvd/ website.

N.B. Any and all parties interested in hosting a Parade Event in their comminity should be in touch with Gillian Hart at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg on 01875 819922 [not Mondays]. The plan is to stage ticketed events with the proceeds helping to defray the costs being incurred by the Arts Festival.
The Berwickshire News picked up the story in style ... click on cuttings and all pictures to enlarge

Pans Gang Stitchers at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg share and compare - November 5th
The East Lothian Courier also continued its coverage, and in doing so has helped find the 80+ stitchers needed. The search began at the Three Harbours Festival at the start of June 2009 and now, five months later, as reported above we're almost there. Still a few panels to go so still time to volunteer, but we're absolutely sure it's going to happen on time.

Finally, logistics planning is in full swing, both for the embroiderers and the parade sequence in July/ September 2010
Arran Johnston and Adam Waters of the Alan Breck's and Dorie Wilkie and more than a dozen stitchers and planners were at Wintoun Farm for an extended evening meeting shortly afterwards.

Published Date: November 7th 2009