The Democracy of the 'Bulldozer' - Let's Hope that's not Lidl's Way Forward?
Both East Lothian Courier and News tell the tale of Auld Fowler's HQ demolition
The press cuttings and the letters below tell the tale of Lidl's plans to 'bulldoze' our community ....
Hereabouts there's some contrary determination and so far as the community is concerned the next items on the agenda are:
1. What truly creditable structure might get built at the eastern Gateway to our town? and ...
2. What will the Public Services Ombudsman's Enquiry make of the whole sorry tale of our failed community campaign? Were we ever in the right about it all? Was it our own fault we failed as some friends have suggested?

P.S. The final press cutting from East Lothian News wrongly attributed the poetry to the Baron of Prestoungrange. It was of course from Poet Laureate John Lindsay.
Published Date: May 2nd 2009