Jokers in the Builder's Pack at Haddington
They still think it's a joke in Haddington!
STOP PRESS NEWS : April 15th 2009: Council officers merrily, and secretly i.e. without telling the campaigning world out there, issued a warrant authorising Lidl to demolish the Auld Fowler's HQ in June 2008. 'Nothing we can do to stop them if they want to do it', says Peter Collins, Head of Environment, this week.
And all this is apparently 'news' to the community's elected representatives who have known about the campaign to Save Auld Fowler's HQ waged for the past 2 years and more.
The campaigners are hopping mad, repeat, mad!. When they collected signatures from 10% of the town to apply for a Community Right to Buy, a Warrant to Demolish had already been issued by Council Officers.
Hopping mad is even now being overtaken by incredulity!
Really? How about these notions for starters:
1. The Consent granted to build the existing store was based on design principles that included retention of the Auld Fowler's HQ. So, "No" you cannot demolish it until we've all sorted out what happens next at the site, and the local community is vitally keen that it should be saved anyway [which you know very well] so they will have to be in on all the discussions. Indeed the East Lothian Council Leader has already promised to write to the ultimate private German family owners of Lidl to seek such a round table discussion at once.
Don't forget, Peter Collins, what you said on 24th October 2000 about the original Lidl proposal that was superseded by the approved scheme now built with the Auld Fowler's HQ included in the design solution: We quote [CAPS our own]:
"The proposed development would if permitted, result in the erection of a building that in its position and of its design would not be appropriate to this IMPORTANT GATEWAY SITE and its SURROUNDINGS and therefore would be harmful to the CHARACTER AND APPEARANCE OF THE AREA."
2. The rejection of the Community Right to Buy is under appeal currently - delayed by an oversight in the Department concerned in 'misinforming' the Festival on the basis for an appeal against their rejection. So, please hold your horses pro tem.
3. The Festival has appealed to the new Minister responsible for Historic Scotland against the decision not to list on the grounds that Historic Scotland refused to consider 'historical' reasons for Listing as is required by statute. So. once again, please hold your horses.
4. No matter how attractive 'Scotland's cheapest new houses at £64,000' may be as a Press Soundbite, please note that the local community in Prestonpans very very much wish to preserve this particular and last heritage building in town. Low cost housing on a local heritage site is not the way forward.
click to enlarge East Lothian News cutting

Published Date: April 16th 2009