Best PubGrub in East Lothian? At The Goth of course.
Still winning awards at The Goth in Prestonpans!
The management team that has been running The Goth since January this year was more than delighted to receive East Lothian's prestigous award for Best PubGrub in the county. Two years ago The Goth won Best New Enterprise in East Lothian and in its new manifestation since 2004 has been UK Best Pub Restoration [English Heritage + CAMRA], Forth Radio Community Pub of the Year and CAMRA Best Pub in Edinburgh and SE Scotland.
click to enlarge all the images

The picture above shows that winning management team - [from left] Anne Taylor, Provost of East Lothian Sheena Richardson, Chef Andrew Laurie and Carol Black.

Visit Scotland also renewed The Goth's coveted *** Rating as a top Visitor Destination
Whilst The Goth is definitely for Panners, as it has been for the past 100 years [this is indeed The Goth's Centennial Year] there are more than a few visitors coming along often from as far away as Gullane, Wallyford and Sweden! Many even make there way down from Edinburgh. Walkers' groups criss crossing the John Muir Way normally pause for the Best PubGrub in the county ... and gaze too at the finest view you could ask for from the Totem Pole across the Forth to Fife and up stream.
The Goth of course still does much more than 'just' PubGrub. Its lunches and evening meals are available Tuesday to Sunday as are excellent real ales - and fine lagers and ladies' drinks for those who don't appreciate real ales! On Mondays the staff get their breath back.
If you print this NewsNet out and take it along to eat PubGrub at the Goth before November 26th the management team will give you a big surprise too .... just to ease your credit crunch!
Published Date: November 9th 2008