Sunday Express in Scotland Tells the Auld Tale of Fowler's
Well, at least the tale is getting told one way or another ...
The Sunday Express picked up the Auld Fowler's Tale shortly after our own McGonagall Night at The Goth last week. To the considerable embarrassment of the "Maserati driving London born publisher who is the 14th Baron of Prestoungrange", he appeared seated in his own stocks in red parliamentary robes!
click to enlarge the press cuttings

The peg for the story was not the Baron himself of course, but the formal lodging by Tom Ewing of Prestonpans Community Council and the Arts Festival together with the said Baron of a Petition at the Holyrood Petitions' Committee "urging the relevant Scottish Minister [Linda Fabiani MSP, Minister of Culture presently] to take local history and unanimous local community opinions seriously as she directs the work of Historic Scotland's Listing services".
The cutting from the Sunday Express is given below. The Baron was interviewed by phone whilst shopping at a Morrison's supermarket in Yorkshire en route to The Pans last weekend for the Fringe Cavalcade where he drove the Iveco BattleBus not a Maserati!

P.S. And .... here's hoping mention of Iain Gray's support for the Auld Fowler's HQ will send the right message for his own current campaign to lead Scotland's Labour Party.
Published Date: August 6th 2008