Totem Pole 2 Now Set To Be Carved
St Joseph's Crew To Work on Pans Totem Log #2
There's been a great deal of speculation on how and where the second log that came over from Vancouver Island as a gift from the People of Chemainus in 2006 would eventually be carved. Now the answer has emerged and once again the assistance of Kenny Grieve is enabling it to happen.
Youngsters from East Lothian Inclusion Service based at St Joseph's working with Kenny Grieve, Tom Ewing and Andrew Crummy will create three smaller poles that will eventually appear close by Cuthill Park. They will be called “The John Muir Totem Poles” because the designs the group are coming up with reflect the nature of East Lothian.
The Puffin logo design above is by Laura Price. Design work is already in hand and carving will take place mainly at Wintoun House Farm where the log has been stored. The final stage of painting will be concluded on the shore in The Pans and at St Joesphs.
click on images and press cutting to enlarge

The Edinburgh Evening News told the story nationwide over the Easter holiday.

Published Date: March 23rd 2008