Apples, blackerries and more white roses ... for 262nd Anniversary
Quarter Master's Challenge for 2000+ Highlanders
Spare a thought for the challenge 262 years ago to feed two thousand or so Highlanders. Perhaps in Edinburgh it was less of an issue but as the Prince's Army marched out on September 20th to Carberry Hill and Birsley Brae above Dolphinstoun, through Tranent and then overnight making their way north and east through the Riggonhead Defile, appetites will have grown.
Fortunately it was harvest time and the apple and pear orchards also held much fruit and the bushes blackberries. Hardly a substantial meal which had to await Victory and the return to Leith and Edinburgh perhaps, but helpful to keep the spirits up. Apples were standard issue in 2007 for the Riggonhead Defile Walkers at 4 am. Next year they're hoping for water as well!
click on images to enlarge
The Heritage Trust were not the only active group on the anniversary date. Jacobite historians visited joining in the re-enactments and arranging their own walk especially to the Visitor Centre and the Battle Cairn created in 1932. Their floral tributes there are pictured here.

Published Date: October 2nd 2007