Broon Coos Acomin from Tony Carter
It has been a long held wish that Baron Courts should find a teapot potter close to hand who could make small batches of some of the most useful of the artifacts that came from the old Prestonpans potteries. But it has not been easy to find a potter willing to take on the task.
However, in time for the re-opening of the Prestoungrange Gothenburg this summer, Tony Carter of Debenham in Suffolk has come to our aid. The man who designs for Ipswich Town FC, Harrods, the QE 2 and the new Queen Mary 2 has readily found time for this important task. Briefed with an original 1932 Broon Coo traced by Jim Forster, and a jug and bowl, he is just now setting about the task of making the models and the moulds so he can pour the clay so that we soon can poor the tea and milk!
Full details of his work as Britain's leading tea-pot potter are to be found at his website. But some details of his background and his pottery are shown below as well as Tony Carter holding the genuine broon coo.
Click on images to enlarge them

Published Date: February 16th 2004