Feud or Feudal? That is the Question ....
East Lothian Courier has wrong end of the Stick!
Seriously, a war of words? Sounds like a sub-editor was looking for a make belief story about Prestonpans Community Council's comments on what 'The Baron' does or does not get up to. He believes he's best mates [as Alex Salmond might say of the English] but "Yes" he does have his own Agenda and has had since he came to town. And it will on occasions be diametrically opposed to others. But so what? Life is full of people who don't always see eye to eye, but it does not mean they cannot work in parallel when they are not working in unison.
click on press cuttings to enlarge
For the record, there are more than a few ways where the Prestoungrange Arts Festival founded by the Baron in 1998, and The Prestoungrange Gothenburg reopened in 2004, have worked closely with the Community Council and East Lothian Council.
But Cuthill Park issue is a quite separate affair. Gordon Prestoungrange and his wife Avril happen to live on Prestongrange Road and Cuthill Park is supposedly 'their' neighbourhood park along with all their neighbours. And The Baron and many another think it's well past the time when Cuthill should be back in action as a park for all to enjoy; and that includes delight that it may well become a part of the East Lothian Core Paths on which consultation is currently in hand. The route through Cuthill Park is shown as Aspirational ... not putative one hastens to add!
All parties are agreed it should be put back as an excellent park. And all shoulders are seemingly to the wheel. Who gets the credit [or who sits in the driver's seat just as long as they know how to drive] is totally irrelevant ..... just so long as the park is back in shape with its grasss cut at the earliest opportunity!
Published Date: April 20th 2007