Baron Courts’ theory of publicity has often been called into question. Why is there not more obvious sign of what is going on being spread abroad? The answer has always been the same:
- we wanted to get critical mass before making any big invitation; and
- we wanted a ‘peg’ to hang the publicity on that was not about a feudal baron being, frankly, feudal.
- we preferred to concentrate through Brushstrokes on talking with Panners rather than the whole world.
The Lord Mayor of Gothenburg, however, seemed to be the right and well willing ‘peg’, and seven excellent murals + the restoration of the Prestoungrange Gothenburg seemed to constitute the necessary critical mass. So a new power around the Baron Courts arrived in the person of Kristine Cunningham. She provides freelance PR services to the arts in Scotland with Norwegian ancestry and a Scottish Arts Council pedigree. And she was on board to help make a PR triumph from all that was afoot on July 22nd and 23rd.
Her professional skills brought quite outstanding country wide coverage of our Celebrations from:
- BBC TV ‘Reporting Scotland’ 6.50 pm - Main News July 23rd
- BBC Five Live Radio nationwide - for millions in the afternoon July 23rd
- BBC Radio Scotland ‘Drive Time’ 5.30 pm - Prime Time July 23rd
- East Lothian Courier - July 18th
- East Lothian News – July 24th
- Edinburgh Evening News – July 25th
- East Lothian Courier - August 1st
The Editors of Scottish Field and Caledonian, Archie Mackenzie and Don Currie, both visited the Beaches and took Dinner at Wintoun House, and features are hoped for in those two magazines in September/ October- November.
Radio and TV coverage was accomplished by a team working at Prestoungrange from 11 am/ 12.30 which interviewed and filmed with Andrew Crummy on the Beach and in The Gothenburg with Prestoungrange. The video and radio coverage can be heard by linking above where underlined.
Click on images to enlarge

Newspaper Cuttings
Kristine Cunningham created Invitations and an Embargoed Release that went across the whole spectrum of media in Scotland and these are appended just above in blue. Her comprehensive Report to the Courts highlights opportunities for a range of further coverage where holiday absences prevented contact being made on our particular dates, and these will all be followed through.
Click on images to enlarge
East Lothian Courier - 18th | East Lothian Courier - 1st |  |  |
East Lothian News 24th
Edinburgh Evening News 25th
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Published Date: July 23rd 2003