Numbers 275/84: Oilers can't stop winning!
Calgary latest win but how would the replay go? They've already had a great run across February with 6 wins/ 2 losses to date. Keeps Bryan sleeping at night Anne reports, when he's not making B&B pudding and heating up canned custard. Not sure about cans … we've used plasticated cardboard cartons here I know. Latest report from Anne says they beat Calgary on the replay … so twice this week, 2-1 and tonight 7-1. All this was confirmed verbally by Bryan when the phone rang as usual from Edmonton just as we got ready to sit down to our roast pork for Sunday supper. He had no explanation of the transformation because the earlier season had not been good. Whilst talking Canada it's Cornelia's birthday too up there in the Yukon, sneaking in a day before Mathew. She seemingly had an outdoor barbecue which goes down well in their climate! And the Edmonton snow is thawing at +5 degrees and with steady rainfall .. the Chinook has arrived and is flooding everyone out.
Our Oilers shirts gifted by Chris say Connor McDavid! He continues as hero scoring a 'natural' hat trick on Saturday against Calgary in the 7-1 win. Seemingly that means three 'consecutive' goals; any ice hockey hat trick implies you all throw your hat on the ice! The phrase first appeared in 1858 in cricket to describe 'HH' Stephenson [Surrey and England] taking three wickets with three consecutive deliveries. Fans held a collection for Stephenson and presented him with a hat bought with the proceeds. The term was used in print for the first time in 1865 in the Chelmsford Chronicle. In cricket it only applies to three consecutive wickets i.e. what ice hockey calls a natural!
On even date … in 1563 the first recorded wine auction took place in London; in 1792 US President George Washington signed the Postal Service Act that created the US Post Office; and in 1839 the US Congress prohibited dueling in the District of Columbia! The latter point casts an intriguing light on Vice President Aaron Burr's success in his duel in New Jersey on July 11th 1804 with Founding Father but political opponent Alexander Hamilton - as captured in Lord Andrew Lloyd-Webber's successful musical since 2015.

Published Date: February 20th 2021