Leviticus 207/84: Christmas Gothenburg re-opens today!
Tough months for Calum & Michelle at The Gothenburg. By months we mean since March 23rd when the first national lockdown began. They opened again under Scotland's differing regulations and Avril and I and Arran and Sharon and Martha all managed to visit in September before necessarily closing again in October; then reopening in November; then alas there was a staffing challenge with Covid19 despite all the distancing and The Goth closed again until Monday today, December 14th, from which there is optimism of a graceful run through to Christmas and New Year. All this certainly called for Christmas decorations and the Barons Courts was able to help with the exterior lights and the rest as beautifully displayed below here. You've got to be heartless not to delight at this cheering greeting on the High Street.

Tackling the inside rooms is not so straightforward because there's the anticipation that there'll be a goodly few folk well distanced … but it's clearly Christmas time hereabouts! It's fascinating to see how the lights do justice to all the windows especially the lovingly preserved arts and crafts stained glass ….
Back here in The Lodge we turn on the lights! Modest of course, but Elliot's green initiative has been transformed with lights and other tokens as well as the now familiar windowsill display of candles …
BIG ask tabled with EventScotland. Finally put the finishing touches to a £35K ask of EventScotland's 'Events Recovery Fund' intended to get events across the nation back up and running. We're, as ever, an unusual case having moved along digitally with the intended 275th Commemorations and now plan to go face to face + new found digital from the May 1st exhibition in Haddington. We've told the tale of how we kept the flag flying and are hopeful to return with a major impact right through the year including of course the SuperWeek in September that will include the re-enactments.
Published Date: December 14th 2020