Boarding @ Home: Day 102/84: Grounded for 14 days .. Gardening Leave?
As we are grounded … July 2nd has been Bahia Independence Day, celebrated since 1823 when this contemporary state finally defeated the Portuguese Royalists. It joined the remaining states in the newly established independent Empire of Brazil in 1829 which, after a military coup in 1889 became a Republic. And its World UFO Day, Day I Forgot and National Anisette Day - that sounds good. Ouzo & Pernod for me, maybe Sambuca; Ricard for Ilkley and add Aquavit for Stuart Hooper ….
Covid19 is certainly a nosocomial, a disease caught in hospital and care homes! Hence the 'green' status 3 Shires hospital is publicising to enhance their incoming patients' confidence. Which is why I'm due a pre-entry Covid19 Test before shipping in to 3 Shires at 7.30am - no visitors allowed! I came home with more than enough reading and exercise routines …. and I got back on the bicycle this morning stung by my 29.9 BMI verdict from my PreOp Tests. Until then however ….. we can watch the garden grow - not as Alan Titchmarsh MBE has been doing on tv although because he was born in Ilkley and went to Hertfordshire Agricultural College we shouldn't be too hard on him. For us so far it's been perpetual lettuce and those excellent bagged potatoes, Milton Royals/ Baronials, but they are now closely followed by two courgettes looking most promising then by our runner beans [incidentally it's also National Eat-Your-Beans Day tomorrow in the US], then come our several peas and four tomatoes [next the tomatoes is the joker of course, sweet peas and hollyhocks nestle in Big Ben aka Queen Elizabeth Tower]. The redcurrants and gooseberries [above] are nearly ready for harvest too - if we can muster the casual labour of course before self-isolating over the weekend in Somerset House and reading the meters there!
Forget me Not Day … … is the opportunity to make amends for all the anniversaries you've forgotten but I've certainly not forgotten that the Day's symbolic flower is also the symbol of the 1st Newfoundland Regiment that is remembered on July 1st [see Day 101/84] which lost 90% of its 700 strength on the first day of the Battle of the Somme in 1917.
World UFO Day? I'm still looking for an explanation ……
Published Date: July 2nd 2020