Exeat: Day 100/84: Centurions ... OOTD and Social Media Days!
Fortunately we had unwittingly addressed OOTD … … because Lorna's back to work in London after her culinary success baking a Portuguese pastel de nata - that's egg custard tart coated with cinnamon to yumi! She made a stopover for lunch of Milton Royals/Nobles and lettuce and other vegetarian delights including frittata italiano, comté cheese and that camembert, despised as fetor ever since I brought it back from the Far Cotton Co-op. The Dolphinstouns said Hi to all including chauffeur Mathew but it was also Henry's Day-Back-at-Wellingborough from 2pm so that was priority. Our OOTD, Outfits of the Day, were not for goving, mindless goggling or gawping. Avril elected black three quarter length trews with white, black spotted red and black trimmed shirt, red coral necklace and red sandals. As I selected today's outfit I built from my bottle green strides and ensured complementary but contrasting socks and blue/green/red/ white checked shirt with personal silver neck chain topped with my treasured light tan waistcoat. For footwear I chose pale green plimsolls and donned my pale blue Akubra. As the image below shows Mathew and Lorna were both well attired!
Magnolia Grandiflora looking prolific this year … Bottom right pictured above is the third bloom so far with many more buds in a state of aestivation. Be sure I'll keep showing as they come … Other news is that it looks like I've got a HipOp Day on July 16th which isn't the most convenient with Pamela's 80th birthday acoming but it needs fixing asap. Tomorrow it's PreOp Tests once again at 3 Shires.
Social Media Day it is … … just when Nick Clegg and Facebook are facing yet more large enterprises pulling advertising to challenge failures to exclude hate and more from its pages. Much of the debate turns on whether as a platform provider Facebook is responsible for what its users care to place there. Publishers per se are legally responsible in print and tv but not so social media. Clearly it must change … but how? The downside and the upside of social media will be debated from here to eternity and it can never be seen as nugacious, insignificant or futile. It really all became mainstream with the launch of Friendster in 2002 and Myspace in 2003 with Facebook arriving in 2004. Twitter encouraged us to be succinct by posting our thoughts with fewer than 140 characters. When we express ourselves better through imagery Instagram and Flickr offer all the sharing we can handle. And speaking of video YouTube is the social place for everything from how-to to pop culture to what not to do with your fireworks on the 4th of July or November 5th. Social media makes it possible to stay connected and informed about those people we presently see as important in our lives whether they be JK Rowling, HM The Queen or simply friends and family through WhatsApp. It also of course is a way of reconnecting with classmates, past work associates such as Friends Reunited. Avril's been hooked for a month or more tracing former schoolies at Walpole Grammer [Day 93/84] and finding one Chris Keogh who was also a former MSc student of mine at Bradford Uni! My own attempt at Reed's to find the latin grace we used in 1955/1956 has so far been unsuccessful but I'm pretty certain it'll come ere long. It has also made it possible to connect with ancestors and find relatives you never even knew existed. Yes, the family tree has become a social media platform as well. MyHeritage.com, Ancestry.com and many others all supply a social platform where distant family members potentially meet and build their family trees. That's not to be confused with our own magnum opus placing Burke's Peerage and Landed Gentry - including Scottish Feudal Barons online as a fee paying dBase but it deserves a mention alongside all our pioneering work at MCB, IMCB/ Revans University, the two Tapestries and two decades of Prestoungrange Arts Festival in The Pans - even the Booking System for Milton's Village Hall.
Lockdown social media for the 1745 Battle Trust. Here it has been Facebook and YouTube that have enabled us to immediately refocus what we had planned for the 275th Anniversary of the battle from March/ September this year and indubitably into the long term future as we continue to create and build our digital archive. Without these digital approaches to create/ capture/ share our 275th would have been a very sorry affair but as it is our imaginations are being stretched wonderfully. July 15th @ 8pm Arran's got a ZOOMwebinar Battlefield Tour scheduled …..
Much celebration as Cobblers beat Exeter 4-0 at Wembley and earn promotion. The latest Manager Keith Curle, who has carried Northampton Town football back into Division 1 to and from which is regularly yoyos, has a great pedigree as a player in the 1990s with Manchester City for 5 years and making three appearances for England in 1991. Founded in 1897 Division 1 is the highest it has ever risen over its first 123 years. Equally encouragingly, Mathew reports that Leeds United are also potentially once again poised for promotion to the Premiership from the Championship for the first time since 2004 … this after several near misses including the playoffs last year. The crowd at Elland Road deserves no less. Augers that next season 2020/ 2021 will been challenging for both the Cobblers and Leeds ….
Published Date: June 30th 2020