Boarding @ Home: Day 105/84: Fifth Quarter 'On the Beach' in Weymouth .......
The sole end and purpose is shown here …. 'Tis true we both wanted to self isolate in Weymouth as well as in Milton once Boris said we could visit second homes and stay overnight! But the uppermost notion Avril had, having worked out we hadn't been to Weymouth for 5 months, was to buy an icecream from Pete at Auntie Vi's and paddle on the beach … so here it is … all sounds a tad Neville Shute for the immediate post-war generation!

There was a further mystery tour of course not least because the sun had returned for most of the day … Destination was Portland where rumour had it there were yet more cruise liners but not today in any event. At the Lighthouse Point there was a strong westerly breeze and plentiful walkers and kite flyers. Easton and Weston were looking well washed with some impressive new housing at Easton and of course Chesil Beach did justice to the many pebbles thereon. The Crab House Café and The Boat that Rocks were both open for business but all round we were told it is 'slow' to come back. Driving home we diverted to Nothe Fort as pictured below left for a windy stroll. Driving around Weymouth has been made a challenge for the next 12 weeks with an experimental closing of the Quayside to cars so the pubs and restaurants can overspill outdoors onto pavements as is customary at the Seafood Festival. When the crowds do come back it'll be best avoided but today it was fine.
Cruise liners were anchored in the Bay. Today saw six and we captured three below. But view beach from Somerset Beach to the Pavilion was not busy although two lads were behaving in traditional way!
It's end of Quarter 5 from Lockdown today … with a much briefer Lexicon from Steven Poole shown below. I clearly need to sprucify my blogging:
Coarctate - compress, squeeze together
Delator - one who secretly accuses, sneak, stasi
Fetor - offensive odour
Gove - to goggle, gawp mindlessly
Nosocomial - (of a disease) originating in a hospital.
Nugacity - insignificant, futile
Sprucify - to spruce up, decorate
Surprise kipper for lunch today … I'd already enjoyed stewed plums for my breakfast with the Sunday papers …. but was informed mid-morning that the kipper I'd acquired for just £1.19 last week must be consumed as well so, after a Campari and Russian, with accompanying bread and marmalade and a fine coffee my duty was done. Who knows what supper might be … but a cuppa tea just arrived ….
Published Date: July 5th 2020