Exeat: Day 92/84: Case of Sour Milk and the Exploding Glass Shelf. Are they linked? ....
Spreadh an sgeilp glainne san fhrigeradair! You heard … yes, the glass shelf in our refrigerator exploded! Bidh am bainne fhathast a ’dol goirt tron t-seachdain! You heard again … yes, the milk still goes sour during the week … tha, anns an fhrigeradair! We do have a Code of Conduct in the event of domestic challenges such as these; it's easily summarised as both hands to the pump and no recriminations, just empathetic assistance. We're not the BBC so there's no cacotechny, hurtful interventions, no sensationalising or personal harrowing interviews; just facts. The whole episode was triggered because our milk keeps going sour whilst it lodges inside our main John Lewis' fitted refrigerator. It was evident again this morning as I prepared the tea at 7am. It would seem that the milk and presumably more besides is experiencing 'inadequate' chilling. [Yes, it is turned to High.] The theoretical foundations of Avril's strategy towards such deficient low temperatures was based on reading the faded, 8 year old, guide that suggested the visible attendant flooding/ puddle on the floor of the refrigerator might be caused by a blocked 'x' and that if 'x' be cleaned with a cotton bud that might resolve the issue. This was indeed addressed but it seemed an ideal opportunity to clean the entire interior and in particular the shelves. It was whilst seeking to remove the plastic edging strips that one shelf simply exploded. The only comparison would be the strengthened glass from a car windscreen. As with a car interior, so with the kitchen sink and floor - fine coverage of wee glass pieces. Clear up took 1.5 hours but was thoughtfully followed by lunching on two paw-paw and a mango doused with two passion fruits. Balm after troubled moments. It's going to be an online search now to where a replacement shelf might come from or whether, if the milk continues to no longer sour, it's a new refrigerator we need not a shelf. More news as it occurs …. we're melorist not pejorist towards the whole affair. When the refrigerator is functioning well again life will be getting better not worse - Floret Exeat!
It's Chocolate Eclair Day today. Not a pastry we often enjoy but the day certainly arouses interest. Its preponderance of cream would surely attract Elliot Yr of Lochnaw … eclair is French for “flash of lightning” although the connection between the word and this French pastry remains unclear.

Originating during the nineteenth century the eclair was first called pain à la Duchesse or petite Duchesse. Food historians believe that Chef Antonin Careme (1784-1833) first developed the éclair and the 1884 Boston Cooking School's Cook Book by Mrs. D.A. Lincoln has the first known English-language recipe for eclairs. In some regions of the United States Long Johns are marketed under the name eclairs although they are distinct. Long Johns are made with doughnut pastry and typically filled with vanilla pudding or custard. The eclair, on the other hand, requires more effort and expense to make using a dough called pate a choux. It is piped into an oblong shape using a pastry bag and once baked the eclair is light and crispy on the outside and hollow on the inside making it the perfect avenue for transporting either creamy vanilla or chocolate creme.
Long Johns are from Mid-West America. It's a bar-shaped yeast risen pastry often coated with glaze or icing and filled with custard creme. Similar delights can be found across the UK today especially at WH Smiths and at Motorway Service areas. Krispy Kreme stands were introduced to Moto services in 2009 and later to Welcome Break and Roadchef as well. Consumption is officially discouraged by Avril ….
Published Date: June 22nd 2020