Exeat: Day 87/84: Philadelphus virginalis shows the way
Magnificent but often unnoticed. Our philadephus is now in most plentiful bloom, visible and aromatic for every passer by on Rectory Lane. And yes, because the pace of life is currently much slower more than usual pay attention.

Prescriptions and getting the camera chip processed. We wondered if Tescos at Hunsbury instore would be busy at 10.30am today - it wasn't. Avril checked on line the Pharmacy hours since I have my prescription to get made up. I still pervicaciously, stubbornly, decline to use the NHS Online AutoService that delivers repeat prescriptions efficiently by post. I still mail a stamped and addressed envelope to Dr Taylor's practice in Blisworth asking for next months' supplies and then take the paperwork along to Tescos. During Lockdown I understand the Dolphinstouns took it to Sainsburys but no matter. [Just finished Kate Atkinson's Big Sky where Julie still shouts in the mind of Jackson Brodie: "Luddite". True for me too obvs.] All went well … always a challenge finding me 224 Paracetamols each time so I'll call back tomorrow to collect. The BIG news was that although the RBS cash machines were all out of stock, Max Spielmann's Photo Prints were in action with our regular supremo. In a flash she'd downloaded my 64GB Sandisk Extreme finding 238 exposures. That's a lot she suggested but I could confirm they were the output of the 84/84 days I'd been hors de Spielmann. With my Frequent Customer 10% discount they would be mine, 238 x 6"x4" for £21.38, and I could also collect them tomorrow. As you'd expect we had a goodly chat about how business was gradually coming back for Spielmann .. from the front line not the apocalyptic media or a press conference!
The Quest for Taylor's Mustard goes on …. The first prepared mustard in the world was sold from Newport Pagnell centuries ago as we know but the simplification of brand stocking during the pandemic has made it very hard to find. Coleman's is everywhere of course but being a tad deviant, and able to tell the difference on a taste test, I wanted Taylor's. It's no longer local; seems to be made lately in Glasgow and can probably be purchased in Booths or Waitrose but not online from Amazon. It's in more than a few farm shops on line but they want me to click and then collect which is not feasible. 'Aisle 25' I was told, 'with the sauces' when asking but not so. The 0% beers are also a challenge now in their third known location since they've been a tipple for Avril. But the very large 'red' bag of coffee beans was there on the very highest shelf if you could reach - which I still just can although shrinking gradually. Got some hummus dip too so Avril can consume the last of the Corn Chips we've got and two nice bunches of irises - not yet in flower but when they are they'll feature on these pages. Also got a loaf of sour dough bread but Laura and I were ships passing in the daylight this morning because she returned from Sainsbury's with one as well. Our birds are gonna be lucky before Fathers' Day this coming Sunday. P.S. Complaints are coming in that the rain which is helping the runner beans to climb is helping the weeds to grow especially on the gravel driveway and the beach hereabouts. And talking of birds, the crows rejected a half black banana this morning on the lawn but a Gaelic robin said Tapadh-leat, Thank You.
National Days aplenty this 17th June …. It's Eat your Vegetables day, Global Garbage Man day, National Apple Strudel Day and National Cherry Tart Day. That's a plateful to which Avril's answer in anticipation of Fathers' Day Afternoon Tea at The Manor House is to have a shot at gluten free scones. Much next that the index classified them as Plain Scones not as Scones, Plain. But even better than that is Clap for the Binmen/ women. Their usual good humour and cheer taking away the garbage from locked-down households has been taken for granted along with posties and Jennifer who brings the Daily & Sunday Telegraphs at 6.30am all the while [and the Sunday Times for Rod Liddle/ Jeremy Clarkson.]

Published Date: June 17th 2020