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Boarding @ Home: Day 63/84: Aujourd'hui la Quartier Troisième est fini; Voici la Journée des Escargots!

La Journée des Escargots Never expected that to simultaneously celebrate 3/4th of Boris' Prime Ministerial lockdown for over 70s. They are a delight tasted at least once by the whole family, even with Cuisses de Grenouilles in Montréal, and including Lady Dolphinstoun at the Cambridge 'University Arms Hotel' on a Revans University Graduation Eve - inter alia for Dr Anthony Lunch, Educational Entrepreneur for Nepal, of this Parish. But we have no regular gourmets who obsess about escargots fin à la bourguignonne.

They don't hold a candle to Witchetty grubs taken with XXXX from Toowong's famous Milton Brewery at the Crooked Witchetty Restaurant, Pacific Highway on Queensland's Gold Coast. If you don't eat them they become Ghost Moths. The grubs lay eggs around the Witchetty Bush and when they hatch the young ones burrow into the ground to feed on the roots. They are edible either raw or lightly cooked in hot ashes an are are sought as a high-protein food by Aboriginal Australians. The raw witchetty tastes similar to almonds, and when cooked, the skin becomes crisp like roast chicken, while the inside becomes light yellow, like a fried egg. Always wash down with XXXX of course.
However if you prefer La Cuisine Française/ Québécois you could enjoy the escargots illustrated above in wine - maybe English since this week would have been our week?

Lexicon time of course thanks to Steven Poole. Pendant la quartier troisième tous ces mots sont inclus.
Absquatulate - abscond, sneak off
Accismus - couldn't possibly, pretending to refuse what you really want
Amain - full force, immediately
Antejentacular - before breakfast
Anonymuncule - petty anonymous writer
Apricity - celebrate the lengthening of the day
Cacotechny - hurtful inventions
Cocqcigrues - coming of manana, arrival of Godot
Eleemosynary - dependent on alms, furloughed
Fugacious - fleeting, abstract
Homilectics - art of preaching, homily
Horripilation - sickening, hateful
Lipoxeny - leaving the host
Lucubration - work by artificial light, overwork
Malversation - to act wrongly
Melorist - world getting a better place
Minacious - threatening
Palmary - pre-eminent, superlative, simply the best
Pejorist - world getting a worse place, by human efforts
Phillipic - savage take down, attack
Pungitive - sharp, stinging, cutting
Quidditative - full of useless subtlety, equivocation
Obnuciation - announcement in view of/ before it happens
Scrithe/ing - to glide, wandering
Superrogatory - goes beyond what is asked for
Supervacaneousness - needlessness, super empty
Tenty - watchful, cautious
Terriculament - small frightener e.g. ghost wasp, horror fiction

More palindromic panels now Woodland Moss and kippers for brunch! We're pleased to have reached Notre Quartier Troisième because we've both done well fighting obesity along with Boris. Avril is clear winner down 20 lbs with me trailing at 14lbs. By taking brunch today we honoured the milestone and avoided that third meal; and being outdoors painting that fence panels gives me free access to Vitamin D. Having completed the latest the soil beneath is now ready to receive courgette seedlings with their promise of good veggies in a month or so.
Aujourd'hui c'est aussi La Fête des Frères. That comes hot on the heels of Brothers and Sisters Day [41/84: Latha airson Bràithrean is Peathraichean] but we can report goodly telecon last night from Edmonton Alberta and all is well there with his son Christopher busy planting out the flower beds, a long standing tradition since Bryan worked as a teenager in horticulture in Sompting with Pullenbury Nurseries - their founder Arthur was inventor of the moving greenhouse.

Published Date: May 24th 2020

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