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OrangeVanMan carries our arts message far and wide ...

Updated Tapestry message and more on our Orangevan

The Prestoungrange Arts Festival acquired its familiar orange Citroen transport van to carry Fowler's Ales out and about; and for general use by The Prestoungrange Gothenburg. That all still applies of course but lately the OrangeVan has travelled across the nation and south of the Border and to France with the Prestonpans Tapestry on board.

So, time for a respray and new decals. It might be 10 years old but it's only clocked up 35,000 miles so far so there's a long way to go yet.

The tailgating motorist will see French and Gaelic as well as our url. On the side panels the Tapestry itself is depicted and at the front the Fowler's logo and a reminder that The Prestoungrange Gothenburg is indeed our arts hub.

Published Date: June 7th 2013

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