TOWARDS 2000 (adapted from a letter received from the
Kirk Session)
As we move to the next millennium the changing
social pressures associated with Sundays that have characterised
the eighties and nineties are likely to continue and we
must recognise and meet them.
Parishes grow larger; congregations proportionately smaller;
we need to balance the increasing demand of parish work
against work being done on behalf of the congregation.
Kirk Sessions and Congregational boards may well remain
in place but there may well be new ways of serving communities
and congregations.
A developing trend towards a more relaxed approach to worship
is being cultivated now and both Session and Board need
to foster this.
More available avenues within the church might have to be
made to have more appeal to the youth; perhaps a separate
meeting to allow them to focus on issues common to them,
with format that reflects their personality.
Our future is in our young people, the fact that our church
is celebrating 400 years bears witness to all the "Young
People" who have gone before us and worked for "their Kirk".
Ninian Moore - the first baby baptised in 1596 would be
mesmerised at the legacy he helped leave us. As we look
towards the next century what legacy can we leave our children
and our children's children?
It's an exciting and wonderful challenge........