3 February 1620: Crown Precept of Sasine
consequent to Charter under the Grat Seal in favour of Robert
Earl of Newbattle of the Lordship of Newbattle (including
Prestoungrange) with fragement of seal. |
5 April 1620: Instrument of Sasine in favour
of Robert Earl of Lothian of the Lordship of Newbattle (including
Prestoungrange) (subsequently registered 1 May 1620). |
27 March 1621: Procuratory of Resignation
by Robert Earl of Lothian of the Lordship of Newbattle (including
Prestoungrange) with original signature of the Earl. |
29 March 1621: Crown Precept of Sasine consequent
to Charter under the Great Seal in favour of Robert Earl of
Lothian of the Lordship of Newbattle (including Prestoungrange)
with fragment of seal. |
29 March 1621: Contemporary extract copy
of Charter under the Great Seal of that date of the Lordship
of Newbattle including the Barony of Prestoungrange. |
29 March 1621: Notarial Instrument of Resignation
of the Lordship of Newbattle including the Barony of Prestoungrange. |
6 May 1621: Instrument of Sasine consequent
to the Charter 29 March 1621. |
4 August 1621: Contemporary Extract Act of
Parliament ratifying the Charter of the Lordship of Newbattle. |
30 April and 1 May 1622: Original Charter
by Robert Earl of Lothian with consent of Annabel his wife
in favour of Alexander Morisoneof the Barony of Prestoungrange,
with original signatures and seals of the Earl and Countess. |
30 April & 1 May 1622: Another copy of
the last with original signatures and seals. |
31 May 1622: Instrument of Sasine
in favour of Mr Alexander Moresone, advocate, of the Barony
of Prestoungrange. |
31 July 1622: Charter under the Great Seal
in favour of RobertEarl of Lothian and Annabell Countess of
Lothian his spouse, of the Lordship of Newbattle including
the lands and barony of Prestoungrange (Great Seal missing). |
23 July 1623: (Registered in
particular register of sasines, Edinburgh) dated 4 December
1622; extract contract between Earl of Lothian and Mr Alexander
Morisoun "anent the fundation of the reversion of Prestoungrange". |
1 August 1623: "An eik
to the reversion of the Baronie of Prestoungrange" with
signature of Robert Earl of Lothian. |
22 September 1627: Letters of
Requisition by Alexander Morisone to William now Earl of Lothian,
to enter heir. |
28 November 1628: Descreet of
Declarator: "Mr Alexander Moresone of Prestoungrange
contra the Aris of umquhile Robert Erle of Lothiane, declairing
the reversion of the landis of Prestoungrange "to be
expyrit" (Contemporary extract from books of Acts and
Decreets). |
31 March 1685: Precept out of
Chancery to infeft William Morisone as next heir of Sir Alexander
Morisone his father. |
28 December 1822:Charter of
Resignation under The Great Seal of the Lords and Barony of
Prestoungrange in favour of Sir James Grant-Suttie. |