1745 Battle Trust enters into partnership with Edinburgh College
3 year Partnership to engage College students in the heritage of the battle of Prestonpans and to share in major projects
This is the first public announcement of the £200,000 programme of Cultural Celebrations that will be presented by the Trust throughout 2020 for the 275th Anniversary of the Battle in 1745.
It begins by taking a close look at the digital and social media activities of the Trust - enhancing not only their delivery but also honouring all aspects of the battle's legacy. This has particular saliency as the Trust moves deliberately towards the creation of its 21st Century Living History Centre telling The Jacobite Story and the especial significance of Prestonpans in that story. And of course the long sought after permanent home for The Prestonpans and Scottish Diaspora Tapestries.

Spring will see the launch of a nationwide invitation to 10/17 year olds to make contemporary contributions in poetry, prose or visuals in Scots, Gaelic or English. The summer will see the 10th Anniversary of The Prestonpans Tapestry's creation and a national tour starting in Inverurie. The year's celebrations will end on New Year's Eve in Glasgow with Bonnie Prince Charlie celebrating his 300th birthday- in the city where 275 years ago he celebrated his 25th whilst in the John Gray Centre at Haddington will be hosting a three months bilingual exhibition on The Jacobite Story.
The actual battle anniversary dates September 19th/21st will see a ferment of concerts, exhibitions, conferences and battlefield walking with the Alan Breck Regiment very much in evidence right across Prestonpans.
The Partnership deliberately involves creating bonds with Faculty Members at Edinburgh College to give continuity and sustainability across the first three years and beyond. The initial focus will clearly be with IT Faculty and their students several of whom are set for imminent action. The online community 'Friends of The Prince' will be further developed and careful provision made not just for creation of improved digital services but their sustained management. It will bring together the three main webites for the battle per se, the Prestonpans Tapestry and the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry and ensure the specific Event PopUp sites are well integrated.

l/r at the Ceremony Dr Joe Goldblatt, Dr Michael Jeffrey, Sharon Beck, Dr Gordon Prestoungrange
Unsurprisingly the Trust's websites dating back to the last century use different programming languages/ coding protocols! Dr Arran Johnston is leading this partnership element for the Trust with Sam Blyth at the College.

Ed: That's the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Registered Tartan if you're wondering!
Published Date: January 25th 2020