Yes: Australia had Gothenburg pubs too! Maggie Brady comes calling in The Pans
Taming the Six O'clock Swill …
The Six O'Clock Swill is an Australian and New Zealand slang term for the last-minute rush to buy drinks at a bar before it closed. During a significant part of the 20th century, most Australian and New Zealand pubs shut their public bars at 6 pm.
But there's a lot more fascinating detail about the drinking habits DownUnder than that suggests! And there's nobody better qualified to explain it than anthropologist Dr Maggie Brady who came visiting at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg last week. She's Honorary Associate Professor in the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University in Canberra. The analysis is to be found in her book Teaching 'proper' drinking? Clubs and Pubs in Indigenous Australia Australian National University Press, 2017
Professor Brady discovered an early Gothenburg pub in South Australia and came to Scotland to explore its origins .. and next stop is Gothenburg in Sweden where the idea was, of course, first conceived!

Dr Brady stands contentedly [right] beneath the Fowler's Ales - Famous since the '45 - signage at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg.
The history of Gothenburgs in Scotland and across the Border is summarised in this booklet LINKED DIRECTLY HERE
Published Date: September 20th 2019