Cake for 100th ... a just reward?
Yes; it's true. The Trustees for the 1745 Battle in Prestonpans have met 100 times …
… and you might ask: What have they achieved?
They've certainly spent a great deal of time talking and they have judiciously resolved not to set down here what has been achieved thus far - since 2006.
As an integral element in the next steps of their campaign to create a Living History Centre in Prestonpans that will address the Jacobite Cause, commemorate the September 21st Battle of Prestonpans in 1745 and provide homes for both the Prestonpans and Scottish Diaspora tapestries, an External Audit is in progress resourced in part by the HLF [Heritage Lottery Fund]. Its results, tabled by Dr Stephen Connolly, will be published early in 2019. They will stand alongside an international comparative study of how other such centres are successfully conducted.

Regardless of such judgemental research, however, the Trustees were treated to the fine cake pictured above prepared by Sylvia Burgess, Secretary to the Trust. Its iced surface shows for the first time a new artwork commissioned by the Trust from Janet McCrorie, of a Highlander clad in the Trust's own tartan pursuing a fleeing Redcoat, itself a longer lasting celebration of those 100 Meetings … although normally lasting some 3 hours at a time they are enlightened by supper at the Gothenburg which is HQ to the Trust.

Published Date: November 19th 2018