Now encamped at Prestonpans and prepared to do battle with Cope!
Every household had the programme from Royal Mail … everyone knew it was coming … and Prestonpans 2018 saw the biggest attendances ever with well over 2500 at all the events during September ...
The Finale was of course the Highland Charge at 3.30pm on Saturday and Sunday 15th & 16th … but before that much had been going along.
After Lord Lieutenant Michael Williams and Provost John MacMillan had welcomed The Clans and laid wreaths for those who died and were injured in 1745, Early Birds queued to enter the Encampment. Myriad supporters were on hand to help at the Entrance, run the fences, staff the Marquee, demo the BattleBoard, and shepherd our plentiful visitors from here to there as events unfolded, elegantly narrated along by Jenn Scott.
The Prince's Battle Standard is Raised
The first moment recaptured was The Raising of the Prince's battle Standard at Glenfinnan in 1745. The Standard is a familiar image to all who pass along the A1 or clim atop the Battle Bing at Meadowmill where is has been flown by the Battle Trust since 2007. The story of the anxious wait by The Prince at Glenfinnan to see how many Highlanders would join his cause was recaptured, the wait ending when the Camerons finally arrived led by Lochiel. The Rising could begin ….

Councils of War held by The Prince and General Sir John Cope
The Prince seemed relaxed as he discussed the prospects for battle, taking a fine luncheon. Not that visitors were not well catered for too with an excellent Beer Tent, drinks stall, light meals and the delightful smell of Arbroath Smokies smoking on site - and the flavours! Click images to enlarge
Cope's Council was kept to behind closed doors but Colonel Gardiner was out and about with his Dragoons and Colours - green: Britons Strike Home … and his redcoat infantry was out on manoeuvres fielding a cannon ….

Pipes and Drums … were provided by the nationally successful Preston Lodge School, housed today on the site of former Preston House whose eastern walls played such a significant part in the battle.

The youngsters also had a chance to practice a Charge!
…. talking of the battlesite itself, of well remembered significance will always be the 1722 Waggonway across which the battle raged ….
Just prior to the battle, prototype replica Waggon 45 crossed the field and on close inspection was found to contain coal!Ed Bethune's pix ..


Published Date: September 21st 2018