RSA/ Battle Heritage Trustees Seminar Attracts Fellows and Guests at National Trust for Scotland
Great Reception at RSA and Infectious Support ....
It's sometimes hard to discern quite what Bonnie Prince Charlie mixed with the Drambuie all those years ago to create his Legacy and sustain his Legend [Tony Blair may well be studying the subject at this very moment], but he got it brilliantly right. He was present at the National Trust for Scotland's Wemyss House [kindly loaned for the occasion] on January 24th when the 'Presentational Team of Trustees' was in action once again. RSA Fellow Betta Adams reported as follows:
Regenerating a community through arts and heritage: the Prestonpans Battle Dream
"A capacity audience spent what has been variously described as a ‘fascinating’, ‘encouraging’ and ‘inspirational’ evening in the company of four enthusiasts — Dr Tony Pollard, Gareth Jones, Peter MacKenzie and Dr Gordon Prestoungrange — speaking of the Prestonpans Battle Dream. Tony, Gareth, and Peter set the Battle, and its site, in its historical, topographical and literary context, while also dealing with the issues involved in the protection, presentation and interpretation of such vulnerable sites, which in the case of the Battle of Prestonpans is within an area of historically important industrial and agricultural activity.
Gordon Prestoungrange described how, in attempting to deal with the consequences of industrial decline and the loss of some 1,500 jobs since 1960, the community has regained some of its spirit, and self esteem, through Arts and Heritage. The success of the Prestoungrange Arts Festival and of its mural painting projects was recognised by the choice of the area as the venue for the Global Conference of the Global Murals Art and Cultural Tourism Association in August 2006.
The Prestonpans Battle Dream is a rallying call for the creation of a multilevel, viable and sustainable living history project, a further stage in the community regeneration process that should increase local employment, prosperity and self-esteem.
The event was supported by Fowler’s Prestonpans Ales and the Battle of Prestonpans Heritage Trust, and the evening concluded with a reception at which all present were able to sample the products of the Fowler’s microbrewery which operates within The Prestoungrange Gothenburg public house at Prestonpans making real ales."
click on page image to enlarge

FollowUp Plans for June 2007
The evening closed with an Invitation to all 70 Fellows and Guests attending to visit The Pans, and Walk the Battlefield. Peter MacKenzie has been offering this facility for more than 5 years and a perfect opportunity presents itself in June during the local 10 day Three Harbours Festival when a Pageant of The Arts in Concert will be offered at Prestongrange Kirk with music, poetry and literature arising from the Battle.
Published Date: February 23rd 2007