Radio 4's Open Country visited Pinkie Cleugh Re-enactments
Pinkie Cleugh Re-enactments got extra airtime this week on BBC Radio 4 ..
As Panners will know, our own re-enactment series launched in 2007 by The 1745 Battle Trust triggered the foundation of the Scottish Battlefields Trust [SBT] which now runs, third weekend each September, a re-enactment of either Dunbar (1650), Pinkie Cleugh (1547) or The Pans (1745). It's a triennial rotation!
September 2017 as many will also know LINKED HERE it was Pinkie Cleugh's turn - and next September 2018 it's back here in The Pans. But before that build up there's time to reflect along with BBC's Open Country programme from Radio 4 some of the thoughts behind that re-enactment and indeed the whole programme the SBT is presenting - with the unstinting support of East Lothian Council and EventScotland.

To get the 30 minute programme please link here to
Published Date: October 28th 2017