Diaspora Tapestry Exhibition in Irvine draws the crowds yet again!
Diaspora tapestry enjoyed by hundreds in Irvine's beautifully restored TownHouse
It's open and it's busy!!
The Scottish Diaspora Tapestry had its launch on Thursday morning hosted by Provost Ian Clarkson who, like everyone else there, was astounded by the beautiful tapestries on display and the wonderful stories they are telling.

We had two ladies, Lorna Kerwin and Ann Glen pictured here below, visit whose sister, Alison Jackson lives in Cambridge, Ontario,and who worked on the panel about John Galt - Guelph's founding Scot!

Remember the exhibition is on until 18th October and is open Monday to Saturday 10am until 4pm with a late opening on Tuesdays 6-8pm. Come along and enjoy its beauty and its tales!

Published Date: October 11th 2017