Dunbar's 1650 fallen remembered in Durham
Durham University places a plaque where the prisoners cruelly marched to Durham lay buried
For the past 3 years the story of Cromwell's brutal treatment of prisoners from Dunbar 1650 has been covered in the press. At the re-enactment last September of that battle the Scottish Battlefields Trust [SBT] invited representatives from Durham to tell of their discoveries, and they came again at SBT's 4th Biennial Symposium in Perth last October. There had at times been a thought that some if not all of the remains discovered might be repatriated to Dunbar, but honoured tradition tells that such remains are normally re-interred where they are found.
At future SBT re-anactments of Dunbar 1650, which are now planned every three years - the next in September 2019 - it will surely be a key element of the commemorations that a wreath is laid carefully beneath the plaque. Perhaps this can become a solemn duty of 'Cromwell's English army' of re-enactors as it travels north each time.

Published Date: May 20th 2017